
1. **促进消化**:糯米和普洱茶都含有较高的纤维素,有助于促进肠胃蠕动,加速食物的消化和吸收,对缓解便秘等肠胃问题有积极作用。

2. **补充能量**:糯米中含有丰富的碳水化合物,可以提供能量,帮助人们保持体力和精力。

3. **降低胆固醇**:普洱茶中的茶多酚和糯米中的膳食纤维均具有降低胆固醇的作用,有助于降低血脂,保护心脑血管健康。

4. **改善睡眠**:普洱茶含有麦角硫因和茶碱等成分,具有一定的镇静作用,可以帮助放松身心,改善睡眠质量。


5. **运动保健**:糯米普洱茶含有丰富的钾、镁等微量元素,有助于肌肉收缩和心脏健康,适合作为日常运动饮品。

6. **减肥降脂**:糯米普洱茶含有大量脂肪合成酶,有助于合成脂肪,对于降低血脂和胆固醇含量有很好的效果,是减肥和降脂的好选择。

7. **清火消暑**:糯米普洱茶口感清新,普洱茶的清火清热作用有助于生津止渴,祛除夏日干热感。

8. **润肠通便**:糯米普洱茶具有消滞、润肠、通便的性能,普洱茶中的儿茶素可以促进胃肠蠕动,帮助排出粪便和污垢。

9. **抚慰心灵**:糯米普洱茶中的芳香物质可以放松肌肉,减缓神经疲劳,释放压力,对改善失眠和睡眠质量差有一定的帮助。

10. **健胃消食**:糯米普洱茶可以促进消化液分泌,刺激肠胃蠕动,具有健胃、消食、清脂的功效。

11. **调理血压和血脂**:糯米普洱茶中含有一些有效的药用成分,可以减少人体内的脂类化合物,对降低甘油三酯、胆固醇、血尿酸等成分有作用。



1. **Omega-3脂肪酸**:亚麻籽含有大量的Omega-3脂肪酸,特别是α-亚麻酸(ALA),这是人体无法自身合成的必需脂肪酸。Omega-3对心脏健康至关重要,可以降低胆固醇,减少心脏病和中风的风险。

2. **改善肠道健康**:亚麻籽富含可溶性和不溶性纤维,有助于改善肠道蠕动,预防便秘,维持消化系统的正常功能。


3. **降低血糖和体重**:亚麻籽中的纤维可以减缓糖的吸收速度,有助于稳定血糖水平,对糖尿病患者有益。同时,它也能增加饱腹感,减少过度进食。


4. **美容养颜**:亚麻籽中的木酚素和维生素E等成分有助于改善皮肤状况,使皮肤更加光滑、滋润,并有助于延缓皮肤衰老。

5. **抗癌作用**:亚麻籽中的木酚素具有抗癌作用,可以降低患心血管疾病、乳腺癌、肠癌和黑色素瘤的风险。

6. **改善认知功能**:Omega-3脂肪酸对大脑健康有益,有助于改善认知行为,对抗焦虑和抑郁,并可能有助于预防痴呆症。

7. **降低血压**:亚麻籽中的营养成分有助于改善血压,对于高血压患者有益。

8. **对女性健康有益**:亚麻籽中的木酚素有助于缓解月经疼痛,对女性健康有益。

9. **促进骨骼健康**:亚麻籽中的钙和镁有助于维持骨骼健康。

10. **增强免疫力**:亚麻籽中的营养成分有助于提高机体免疫力,减轻过敏反应。



1. **疏风清热**:桑菊饮具有轻清疏散的特性,能够有效地疏解风热,适用于治疗风热感冒等初期症状。

2. **宣肺止咳**:该方剂中的桑叶、菊花等成分可以宣肺气,有助于缓解咳嗽、咳痰等症状。

3. **治疗风温初起**:对于风温病初起,表现为咳嗽、身热不甚、口微渴等症状,桑菊饮有很好的治疗效果。


4. **清热解毒**:桑叶和菊花等成分具有清热解毒的作用,能够清除体内湿热和毒素。

5. **凉血消肿**:桑菊饮中的桑叶和菊花还能起到凉血消肿的作用,有助于缓解身体各部位的水肿。

6. **降血压**:桑叶中含有一定的降压成分,对高血压患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

7. **防治感冒**:桑菊饮中的菊花具有抗病毒作用,有助于预防感冒等疾病。

8. **调节免疫**:桑菊饮中的多种中药材如桑叶、菊花和甘草等,具有一定的免疫调节作用,有助于增强人体免疫力。


9. **抗病原微生物**:现代药理学研究表明,桑菊饮具有强大的抗病原微生物作用,对多种病毒、革兰氏阳性及阴性细菌均有抑制作用。

10. **协同作用**:桑菊饮中的多种成分相互配合,具有抗病毒、抗炎、解热镇痛、止咳化痰、平喘、抗过敏、抗氧化性损伤、减少炎性渗出和后期防止纤维化形成等作用。



1. **护肤与美容**:蜂蜜生姜水中的蜂蜜具有抗氧化作用,能够帮助清除体内的自由基,从而减缓皮肤老化,达到美白、淡斑的效果。生姜中的姜辣素能够促进血液循环,使肌肤更加红润。

2. **预防感冒**:生姜具有发汗解表的作用,可以增强身体免疫力,预防感冒。蜂蜜则有助于缓解咳嗽和喉咙痛。

3. **促进消化**:生姜蜂蜜水可以刺激胃肠蠕动,帮助消化,对于预防和改善便秘有一定的效果。尤其是在餐后饮用,可以促进食物的消化吸收。

4. **抗氧化作用**:生姜中的姜辣素具有较强的抗氧化效果,可以清除体内的自由基,预防脂褐素沉积,对预防老年斑有积极作用。

5. **预防心血管疾病**:生姜中的辣味素可以加快血液循环,有助于软化血管,预防心血管疾病。


6. **祛风除湿**:生姜具有温中止呕、温肺止咳的作用,对于风寒感冒、关节疼痛等有缓解作用。

7. **缓解醉酒**:蜂蜜生姜水可以加速血液流通,帮助消化体内酒精,缓解醉酒症状。

8. **调节肠胃**:蜂蜜具有润肠通便的作用,可以改善肠道环境,有助于排便。

9. **辅助减肥**:生姜蜂蜜水可以增加饱腹感,有助于控制食欲,对减肥有一定的辅助作用。



1. **调节身体能量**:黑发晶能够帮助排出身体上的病气、浊气,对身体健康和个人运气都有积极影响。

2. **避邪化煞**:黑发晶有强大的避邪功能,可以防止负能量入侵,作为护身符使用,有助于避免邪气和不良磁场的影响。

3. **提升领导魅力**:黑发晶又称为“领袖石”,佩戴者能够增强领导魅力,加强团队向心力,对事业发展有益。

4. **精神调节**:对于用脑过度或创意工作者,黑发晶有很好的平衡作用,有助于缓解精神压力。

5. **增强自信**:佩戴黑发晶能够提升自信,帮助佩戴者更加坚定地执行自己的计划,实现目标。

6. **祈福改运**:黑发晶被认为具有祈福功能,可以帮助佩戴者消除业障,改善运势。


7. **保护健康**:黑发晶对筋骨和神经系统有益,出入医院、病房或浊气重的场所佩戴黑发晶可以防止灵异入侵。

8. **强身补肾**:黑发晶被认为有强身补肾的作用,有助于提升身体的整体健康。

9. **消除不良浊气**:对于生病、出入复杂场所、医院或常需夜出的人,佩戴黑发晶可以有效防止不良磁场的干扰。


– **保持清洁**:因为直接接触皮肤,所以黑发晶应保持清洁,避免汗液等物质附着影响效果。
– **佩戴位置**:根据中医学“左进右出”的原则,通常建议将黑发晶佩戴在右手,但具体应根据个人需求和诉求来定。
– **定期净化**:黑发晶需要定期净化,可以通过矿泉水、御守盐、土埋法、月光照射法或太阳照射法等方法进行。



1. **高丽参**:
– **功效**:高丽参具有大补元气、生津安神等作用,适用于惊悸失眠者、体虚者、心力衰竭、心源性休克等。现代医学研究显示,高丽参能增强免疫力、促进血液循环、预防糖尿病、动脉硬化、高血压等疾病,并具有抗癌、控制疾病、防止疲劳等功效。
– **应用**:常用于制作参鸡汤、蜂蜜人参片等。

2. **韩国泡菜**:
– **功效**:泡菜含有丰富的乳酸菌、维生素、钙、磷等无机物和矿物质,以及人体所需的十余种氨基酸。泡菜具有帮助消化、预防动脉硬化、降低胆固醇、消除多余脂肪等多种功效。
– **应用**:韩国泡菜是韩国人日常饮食中不可或缺的一部分,也是韩国传统饮食文化的代表。

3. **韩国清酒**:
– **功效**:韩国清酒主要分为“纯米”和“本酿造”两大类,酒精度介于15至17度之间。其中“纯米”清酒在发酵过程中产生,具有清香口感。适量饮用清酒有助于增进食欲、促进消化、缓解疲劳。
– **应用**:韩国清酒是韩国传统酒文化的重要组成部分,常在节日、庆典等场合饮用。

4. **鳐鱼**:
– **功效**:鳐鱼是韩国全罗道的顶级食材,具有补肾壮骨、活血调经、凉血止血等功效。适用于肾虚腰痛、风湿痛、头晕、月经不调、痛经、经闭、崩漏、便血、吐血、衄血、跌打瘀痛、刀伤出血等症。
– **应用**:鳐鱼在韩国料理中具有较高的地位,常作为高档菜肴出现在宴席上。

5. **护肝宝**:
– **功效**:护肝宝主要成分HD-1是从珍稀、天然的枳椇果中提取而来,具有护肝、解毒、抗氧化等功效。适用于肝功能不全、脂肪肝、酒精肝等患者。
– **应用**:护肝宝是韩国传统的保健品,常作为护肝、养肝的辅助手段。


6. **化妆品**:
– **功效**:韩国化妆品以天然成分、高效护肤著称,具有美白、保湿、抗衰老、控油等功效。
– **应用**:韩国化妆品在国内外市场上备受好评,成为游客前往韩国旅游时购买的热门商品。


Fang Lin knife-shaped eyebrows a wrinkly didn’t speak flower jade eyebrow added; "Although their skills are deep, the" silver sword eleven changes "of Fang’s family are expensive because of their lightness and agility, but they are heavy and have enough opportunities to become inadequate. It is difficult to take advantage of it and refine it for 20 years, and it will always be like this!"

At this time, Xu Yu’s two rotten silver swords circled and danced like rushing thunder, and the wind was advancing.
The big man in black was angry and shouted, "Nothing to roll for me!"
Fang Lin whispered, "The black shirt Lu broadsword is going to be shot personally!" Flower jade eyebrow oh this person Wei Zhen Ji Lu two provinces hand broadsword is quite amazing attainments, his wife white Luo Cha Zhong Xiu is good at 12 kinds of hidden weapons, but it is also not easy to deal with the other three people. One is the white-headed god stick Xu Shangwu, the other is the sun and the moon hook Luo Ju, the other is the iron palm, and it is not a famous martial arts player on Wei Zhen’s side. I’m in a hurry. I’m sorry that I can’t be with you. You’d better try not to let them stop me from treating me in the past … "
Fang Lin, the silver sword’s husband, was slightly stunned and thought, "What kind of rule is it that you don’t want to tell me to do this?" However, he was so wronged in the heart that he was too bright to speak against her. When he sighed, "What will the girl say …"
Hua Yumei said, "I’ll ride alone and I’m sure they won’t stop me!"
Fang Lin said, "Although the girl is a pedant, they don’t know the details. Wouldn’t it be …"
Hua Yumei said, "Why don’t you dare them fools to stop them for a while …"
At this time, the black shirt Lu broadsword has been thrown out of the swinging broadsword and pounced on Xu Changsheng broadsword. Together with it, Xu Changsheng turned his body like a tide of sword light, and his left hand suddenly grasped Yu unbeaten’s sword. I don’t know if it is true or false, but he was willing to teach him to seize the blade and lift his arm to withdraw the sword. Three tigers and four tigers took the opportunity to jump out of the circle. These four tigers engaged in more than 30 moves and broke out in a sweat.
I don’t see the enemy fleeing unbeaten, neither chasing nor attacking. Lu broadsword sneered and walked away.
Black shirt Lu broadsword fruit is a veritable sword in his hand. It is fierce and fast, and it conjures up a piece of knife light. It turns out that it is difficult to splash water. Xu Changsheng’s swordsmanship is continuously sealed and dismantled. The momentum has been lost to the other side. However, seeing him sprint and stab the sword, it is sloppy and messy.
Then I know that the situation has changed greatly, and Lu’s broadsword is like a rainbow, but it’s a big setback at this time
They were surprised to watch the international hoof suddenly start to spend jade eyebrows and rode forward at this time.
See the horse like a green jade cut into a fine horse to carry a beautiful and charming beauty slowly across the war circle and then wear it out from the other side’s arrangement. Everyone is at a loss. So it’s good to see that the famous colt beauty has gone out two or three feet away in white. Luo Cha Zhong Xiu suddenly woke up and lost her hands, and immediately three golden-colored glyphs shot at the back of Huayu’s eyebrows.
Huayumei suddenly turned around and smiled at her. Xuangong in Sakura’s mouth breathed a sigh of relief. The three golden lights just shot in front of her, but three gold needles were as big as common embroidery needles.
White Luo Cha Zhong Xiu couldn’t see how to shoot down the three gold needles at the moment. They were so dazzling that they went two or three feet away. She hummed a plain sleeve and raised her right hand hazily, but in the shadow of the sleeve, she sent out two silver bullets and two silver lights broke out halfway. Suddenly, when she touched each other, when Ding rang, she flew straight away and turned into two arc routes, one left and one right, and shot at Huayu Mei.
These two silver bullets are heavy, so they can attack five or six feet away. If the enemy is farther away, his wrist and finger strength will not be strong enough, so he must rely on springs.
Flower jade eyebrow and turned to look for the first time to sweep Fang Lin face hands to recruit Yang jiao cried, "I’ll see you soon after you take good care of yourself …" Clothes and oil flew up with Yang gestures to pick up two silver bullets together in a beautiful and natural posture. It’s just a matter of turning around and saying goodbye to Fang Lin whisking.
Fang Lin, the husband of the silver sword, is very worried. At this time, she is both happy and surprised. Joy is that Jade Man finally looks at herself and says goodbye. Surprised that Pei is her martial arts. It is really unfathomable. You know, Luo Cha Zhong Xiu, a white weapon, has always occupied a place in the Wulin. These two silver bullets are very strange and difficult to stop, but Hua Yumei not only catches them, but also has a beautiful posture. If so, such skill attainments are really rare.
But see jade riding gradually go far away, white Luo Cha finished staring, and the rest of the people also stared at the back of the jade eyebrow, silver sword, husband and Fang Lin suddenly called a "bad" and hastily urged the horse to rush through the other side’s position and chase after the back of the jade eyebrow.
His move was unexpected, and when the other people found out, they had been rushed through by him, but no one came to stop him.
The silver sword husband Fang Lincai rushed over and the hooves rang again. White Luo Cha Zhong Xiu was silent. His hands were on the saddle and he was holding two kinds of hidden weapons ready to shoot.
Suddenly, there was a burst of white smoke, thick and dense, and it rose vigorously. In an instant, it has completely enveloped this bunch of people.
Hoof rushing across the white smoke is that Xu Changsheng is unbeaten. They borrow thick smoke to cover up and pass through the crowd, and then they urge the horse to recover from Fang Lin.
Covered by that dense smoke, all the people who have been wandering around for a long time and have rich experience are eating too much at the moment, and their minds are too deficient. Everyone holds their breath and dares not move. First, they are afraid that the enemy will drive the horses away after casting this powerful smoke bomb, and people will stay in the smoke and wait for an opportunity to plot against them. Secondly, they are afraid that their accomplices will misunderstand and cause a killing tragedy.
Therefore, everyone holds their breath and all the horses are specially trained, but they will stand still and not disturb them. If they are inexperienced and have less tricks, they will certainly follow their hooves and rush out of the smoke. At that time, it is impossible for Xu Changsheng and Yu unbeaten to walk away like this.
Peter said that Hua Yumei was walking, and when she heard the hoof eyebrows wrinkle, she gently suggested that sapphire riding would speed up.
Fang Lin, the silver sword’s husband, galloped wildly for more than 20 miles. He saw that Wang Qingcong had been driving lightly in front, and there was always a distance of ten feet. Fang Lin naturally knew that there was no hope to catch up with the sapphire, but there was a distance of ten feet. The cold wind was rushing head on, even though it was not easy to hear shouting, he was so anxious that he was sweating at this moment. I thought that if the girl named Hua hurried a little, she would lose track in a blink of an eye, and it would be hard to catch up with him all the way to the ends of the earth. The more he thought about it, the
There are several miles of flowers and jade eyebrows, and the silver sword Langjun Fang Lin has arrived to see him foaming at the mouth of the fine horse and sweating like rain. I can see that this horse is very tired.
Hua Yumei smiles appealed, "Fang Gong teaches people exquisite riding skills. If you don’t work hard, you must never be tired of this good colt. Besides, if it is a high riding skill, the horse would have run …"
Fang Lin said with his fist, "Flower Girl is knowledgeable, and even her riding skills are unique. It is a pity that this colt is so rare and excellent!"
Spend five eyebrows looking straight into his eyes and don’t talk. Fang Lin managed to force her to get back the sapphire qi, but she felt embarrassed at this time. However, she couldn’t let the atmosphere be silent and condensed. "This … this famous pony is the favorite of the black shirt Lu broadsword couple.’ Five Horses Riding’ is the same as Xu Yu’s two hard-earned’ Five Horses Riding’ …
He found that although she was listening quietly, there was a faint light of ridicule and teasing in her eyes. He really wanted to rage at her rudely, but he couldn’t do it. Fortunately, he secretly scolded himself in his heart. Not only did he dare not offend her, but he didn’t even know where he was.
Hua Wumei waited for a faint way. "If there is nothing else, I have to go. I have something urgent to do and I can’t delay any more …"
Fang Lin swallowed back BMW’s words twice and again and shouted, "Can you tell me what’s urgent, girl?"
Hua Yumei said, "I’m going to meet someone who lives in a chain of two hundred miles away …"
Fang Lin, the husband of the Silver Sword, looked greatly surprised and said, "But the serial people live in Baiyu Kiln?"
Hua Yumei seems to have known that he would be frightened to disgrace and appreciate his expression with a smug smile.
Fang Lin frowned. "The girl must know the origin of this person and his strange rules and regulations …"
Flower jade eyebrow way "of course! But you will know when you hear whether it is true or not … "
Fang Lin felt cold and thought that a hoof was far away, and soon he was close to Huayu’s eyebrows. He didn’t lift his eyes and said, "What are their methods that are not stopped when Xu Yu and his wife come?" Fang Lin said with a surprise, "She didn’t look at how she was born. How did Xu Yu and the other two know that they made a breakthrough?" Looking back, it was Xu Changsheng who was unbeaten.
Ear listen to flower jade eyebrow way "you don’t believe my guess? In fact, it is very simple. First, I can hear from the hoof that it is two riding. Secondly, riding is obviously very weak. Second, they are not in a hurry to see us and slow down! "
Fang Lin thought with great admiration, "This is simple and reasonable, but others just can’t figure it out."
Hua Yumei added, "If you can get past a bunch of people, you must be surprised, for fear that they will be caught off guard for years. It’s not easy for the two of them to get through safely, even if they can get past each other, they will catch up closely. I will ask you what strange means they have to break through and follow?"
Fang Wei was surprised at this reasoning and replied, "They used a blind eye method to secretly cast fog and bounce off the smoke!"
Hua Yumei doesn’t have to think about it casually. "It’s wonderful. Those who are empty are real and empty. Those Jianghu people have a lot of minds. It’s best to break through this method."

If you don’t leave your hand, dozens of Wu Zunjing bosses will die in an instant, and they won’t be given a chance to live at all.

That is to say, if Yang Guang had revealed the murder at that time, even Fengdu Emperor and the East Emperor would be in two places at once.
Although they are two parts of the Great Emperor, two parts of the Great Emperor are the abilities of dharma and Taoism.
It’s not that knowledge is broader and means are stronger than the average Buddha.
But its strength is limited.
It’s good luck to say that they didn’t do it directly
Fortunately, we are here to negotiate, not to fight.
If they want to invade Middle-earth, then these creatures will die. Even if Emperor Wu comes to avenge them, they will never see them again.
once someone has died
It’s reincarnation, but it’s not necessarily rebirth
And reincarnation is not necessarily a good thing.
"Yang Tianzun, you are powerful. Our worship is these means. Can the avatar be taken back?"
Finally, Wu Zun died, and now they are aware of the horror of the black streamer.
What is the so-called face in order to avoid damaging their path?
What’s more, it’s not much problem for the weak to ask the strong for forgiveness, is it?
"Yang Tianzun, we have eyes to offend you, but please forgive me."
The strong respect the strong, and sometimes it’s not just talk
If Yang Guang didn’t show his own business, even if it was skyshatter, some people wouldn’t.
The rest of the venerable ones are at the level of Emperor Wu even if they are not themselves.
But haven’t you eaten pork and seen pigs run?
They think that Yang Guang’s means is likely to be a Taoist attack. No matter how the other party makes it out, it can be made out that they can’t offend the strong.
And in the future, Yang Guang will certainly make Emperor Wu offend the dead now, that is, it is really "the longevity of the birthday boy."
No one thinks that life is long, but that life is not long enough.
Yang guang looked around a these strong people can also detect their real meaning.
What’s more, the prince of blood clan who was unsealed by Yang Guang before was still the western dragon, and the oriental dragon and phoenix clan burned the female.
I’m really begging for mercy without hypocrisy, and I really want to solve these troubles
So he didn’t hesitate too much to answer "OK, I’ll solve these problems"
Yang guang took these Wu Zun’s destructive power back.

"Husband, let’s stay here is bad? And there are some high-rise buildings around. There are no low buildings to see. "An Ying nearly seems to be pleading with her husband.

Because there are no accidents on the nearby floors, many ordinary people are hiding in their own homes or going to other places. Surely those siren won’t make a fuss to find someone in these buildings?
And once you leave a specific area, the ending may be death!
Chapter six hundred and two The way to survive
"No, I understand that these high-rise buildings can’t go. We can’t take the risk and we can’t go to many places." Liu Ende loves his wife very much, but his personal experience is good
More importantly, he believes that his IQ should be able to plan his own life.
The building where they are located belongs to the roadside.
And this is the reason why Liu Ende feels dangerous-the other is that his personal sixth sense thinks that there will be danger in this area.
He doesn’t want to die. Naturally, he can’t do anything. Come on.
Then he took his wife to the third floor. Of course, at this time, he can take the stairs, because the stairs have long been unable to sit and stop, or the small things have been flooded by the sea.
When they reached the third floor, the couple looked around and found that there were no signs of the so-called siren.
"You wait here and stare at the surface of the water and whether there are some sea snakes? Once there are, try not to be found out, so as to save them from attacking us in droves. "
Liu Ende is a good husband. Although his ex-wife’s divorce is a bit unorthodox, he has never treated each other badly.
But the past is over, and now he cares that people are a little worried when they see their wives, and he feels a little guilty.
At the same time, I hugged each other and even kissed her face. "Don’t worry, I’m here, and I’ll go upstairs to see one."
Although I was a little uneasy about her husband’s arrangement for An Ying, I still endured it.
In this country, they are dependent on each other.
Then Liu Ende went upstairs without hesitation to do what he wanted to do.
And An Ying said that she was trying very hard to look at the water and water around the building.
While the other side reached the top floor, Liu Ende looked around and planned his escape route.
However, he saw that the blue whale seemed to turn its head that day, as if it were coming in their direction, so that even if it was passing by, it was very likely that it would take pictures of their floor.
Don’t pin your hopes on others when you go.
So he can’t consider anything else but the express building.
If you want to leave the neighborhood with your wife quickly, you won’t be able to come if it’s too late.
However, at this time, when he passed the sixth floor, a house door quietly hit half and half of his head came out.
Liu Ende found that she was a young girl with a yellow face. Compared with Korea and Sakura, she looked more like a Chinese.
At least Chinese.
So Liu Ende shines at the moment, but instead of walking towards the little girl, he keeps a safe distance.
Reduce the other side’s guard

Because they know that there will be a fairy war that will be photographed by the long river of time. Besides the bloody battle before the emperor, it will be the most terrible battle in the last 100 thousand years in this era of three thousand prefectures and nine days and ten places.

Because this is a fairy war!
Immortal Temple Remnant Immortal used to be a real fairyland. Although it was seriously injured by Kunpeng, it has not been completely recovered until now, but a fairy is a fairy, and even a finger has immortal power, which is not for mortals to bear.
On the other hand, the peacock clan’s great demon king, master and apprentice, joined hands to slay the immortal king of a foreign land in World War I, and sealed the gods for eternity!
Even though it was impossible for each of them to do it through some means of mastering their own laws at that time, there is still the strength of Xianwang in World War I, but even if the Great Devil can enlighten the original ten-tenths of the fighting power, it will be extraordinary in this day.
What is about to be a fairy war.
Many people, including the leader, have never seen immortals in Dugen. I never thought that I would have a chance to witness the fairy war in this life.
If the world is still there after all these years, they will all say it.
Boom ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The birth of the remnant fairy is earth-shattering!
Shame on its immortal name, the magical power is vast, and the speed is too fast for people to imagine.
Those leaders and the strong feel that the immortal is angry with murderous look!
He may not care about the life or death of the immortal temple, but he must not tolerate anyone offending his majesty.
"Those who insult the immortals can be forgiven!"
The residual fairy is still on the road, and there is already a fairy temple. Others came here first, or they have been nearby all the time. At this moment, everyone looks proud and cold, and their voice is harsh and crazy.
"I can’t escape if I die!"
"Kneeling and kowtowing to repent can be a disaster for the people, otherwise the blood will not!"
Almost all the people in Xiandian have come to this vein. There are not many successors in each generation, but there are also many servants and slaves. Dozens of people proudly make a cold sound, including the young adult Di Chong of Xiandian who was defeated by Qin Changfeng and Shi Hao.
They are very arrogant because they are convinced that neither Qin Changfeng nor Shi Hao really entered the fairyland and could not compete with the true fairy.
Today is destined to be the day when their immortal temple will be established.
In the face of the powerful threat of the Immortal Temple, people also stopped in the peacock’s sacred car and appeared. The curtain woven by the streamer pearls and colorful gods fell and isolated everyone’s eyes
Is the big devil afraid to be soft?
I didn’t see the expected strong response, and people were slightly surprised to guess that the Great Devil was still unable to resist Xianwei at the last moment.
In the eyes of the immortals, it is even more ironic.
What is inherently sacred, what is eternal, what is immortal, and what is immortal? Don’t you have to bow down in front of the true fairy?
A moment later, a lazy sound finally came out from the magic car.
"Your fairy once asked me if I had any consciousness of death. Now I ask you if you can live?"
The whole world suddenly fell silent as if all the sounds were cut off by the hay cutter Department of Avenue, which made people feel a sense of solidification.
This silence has made the immortal temple people sweat, and the premonition of death has never been so strong for a moment.
They didn’t expect that the one in God’s car would kill mercilessly when the remnant fairy was coming.
At the same time, it has been hovering in the crystal clouds in the sky, and huge figures appear, and dragons roll in the clouds, all of which are as shocking as the Taikoo Mountains.
Every dance of the sacred body affects the general trend of heaven and earth as if the whole sky were transformed into a vast array …
Rules, symbols, orderly patterns.
Rain reappears.
This is a virtual rain, but it is also a sacred seal!