
1. **助眠养神**:花生叶具有入心的功效,能够安心神经,对经常健忘的人尤为适宜。其浓缩的营养成分能够帮助缓解失眠问题,对失眠多梦、神经紧张等症状有调理作用。

2. **养胃护胃**:花生叶中的果胶可以形成保护肠胃的保护膜,减少食物对肠胃的损伤。同时,花生叶还能恢复肝脏和肾脏的功能,使身体运作更加健康。

3. **保肝解毒**:花生叶中的维生素B族能够保护肝脏,调理慢性损伤,对于需要日常饮酒的人来说,花生叶有助于增强肝脏的解毒能力。

4. **降血压**:花生叶中含有的天然叶醇是一种优良的降压药物。叶醇在人体内分解成大量黄酮类化合物,这些化合物是降低血压的主要物质。


5. **止血**:花生叶是一种天然的止血药,尤其适用于外伤患者。将花生叶捣成碎末后涂抹在伤口上,可以迅速止血。

6. **镇静安神**:花生叶可用于治疗神经衰弱、心悸、健忘、食欲差等症状,并且对头胀痛和神经心悸等也有缓解作用。

7. **治疗高血压和妊娠高血压综合征**:花生叶与桑寄生等药物配伍使用,可以治疗高血压,预防妊娠高血压综合征。

8. **调理胃溃疡**:花生叶中的提取物对调理胃溃疡有显著效果。

– 应选用干燥的花生叶。
– 使用前最好咨询专业医生或中医师的意见。
– 中药具有个体差异性,不同体质的人对药物的反应可能不同。



1. **深层清洁**:泥浆面膜中的矿物质和微量元素具有很强的吸附能力,能够深入毛孔,清除油脂、污垢和杂质,帮助软化阻塞毛孔的硬化皮脂,实现深层清洁。

2. **祛黑头**:通过吸附作用,泥浆面膜能够有效去除毛孔中的油脂和污垢,帮助收紧毛孔,提升肤质,从而去除黑头。

3. **排毒**:泥浆面膜中特有的胶体成分可以深入洁净肌肤,分解环境污染对皮肤造成的有害物质,排出毒素,淡化黑色素。

4. **补水嫩肤**:泥浆面膜中含有的保湿成分、维生素和矿物质等能够为肌肤提供充足的水分,强化皮肤的水分保湿能力,形成长效保湿膜,使肌肤柔嫩光滑。

5. **延缓衰老**:泥浆面膜中的丰富矿物质和微量元素能帮助维持肌肤新陈代谢,增强皮肤弹性和再生能力,消除皱纹,延缓衰老。


6. **消除暗沉**:泥浆面膜能够清除毛孔中的多余油脂和污垢,防止肌肤黑色素堆积,淡化色斑,使肌肤变得均匀白皙。

7. **控油**:对于油性肌肤,泥浆面膜能够去除多余的油脂,调节皮脂分泌,使肌肤长时间保持清爽。

8. **改善肌肤粗糙**:泥浆面膜的深层清洁作用可以帮助去除多余角质,改善肌肤粗糙问题。

9. **镇静舒缓**:某些泥浆面膜成分具有镇静舒缓作用,有助于改善皮肤的新陈代谢,起到修复作用。

10. **美白保湿**:泥浆面膜中的美白成分如熊果苷等,能够美白肌肤,同时强化保湿效果。



### 毛菜的营养价值:


1. **维生素丰富**:毛菜含有丰富的维生素A、维生素C、维生素K和叶酸等,这些维生素对于维持身体的正常生理功能至关重要。

2. **矿物质含量高**:毛菜含有钙、铁、镁、钾等矿物质,这些矿物质对于骨骼健康、血液循环和神经系统的正常运作都至关重要。

3. **膳食纤维**:毛菜含有大量的膳食纤维,有助于促进肠道蠕动,预防便秘,同时还可以降低胆固醇,减少心血管疾病的风险。

4. **抗氧化物质**:毛菜中含有多种抗氧化物质,如黄酮类化合物和多种多酚类化合物,这些物质有助于抵抗自由基,减少氧化应激,从而有助于预防癌症和延缓衰老。

5. **植物蛋白**:毛菜含有一定量的植物蛋白,对于需要增加蛋白质摄入的人群来说,是一种良好的蛋白质来源。

### 毛菜的好处:

1. **促进健康**:由于含有丰富的维生素和矿物质,毛菜有助于增强免疫力,提高身体抵抗力。

2. **改善心血管健康**:毛菜中的钾有助于降低血压,预防心血管疾病。

3. **预防贫血**:毛菜中的铁含量较高,对于预防和治疗贫血有积极作用。

4. **维护肠道健康**:膳食纤维有助于维持肠道健康,预防便秘。


5. **抗氧化与抗衰老**:毛菜中的抗氧化物质有助于抵抗自由基,预防慢性疾病,延缓衰老。

6. **视力保护**:维生素A有助于保护视力,预防夜盲症和其他眼部疾病。

7. **美容养颜**:由于含有丰富的维生素和矿物质,毛菜有助于保持皮肤健康,减缓皮肤衰老。




1. **营养保留**:相较于煮或蒸鸡蛋,煎制能够更好地保留鸡蛋中的营养素,如维生素和矿物质,因为煎制时水分损失较少。

2. **口感丰富**:煎制可以使鸡蛋表面形成金黄酥脆的壳,口感更加丰富,增加食欲。


3. **易于吸收**:煎鸡蛋时加入的油可以增加脂肪的摄入,脂肪是帮助人体吸收脂溶性维生素(如维生素A、D、E和K)的重要载体。

4. **高蛋白来源**:煎鸡蛋富含高质量的蛋白质,有助于肌肉的修复和生长,对于需要补充蛋白质的人群尤其有益。

5. **饱腹感强**:鸡蛋中的蛋白质和脂肪能延缓胃的排空速度,增加饱腹感,对于控制体重和控制食欲有帮助。

6. **制作方便**:煎鸡蛋操作简单,不需要复杂的烹饪技巧,适合忙碌的早晨或需要快速准备食物的场合。


7. **多样化搭配**:煎鸡蛋可以搭配各种食材,如蔬菜、肉类、香肠等,制作出多种美味的菜肴,满足不同口味的需求。

8. **健脑益智**:鸡蛋中含有丰富的胆碱,有助于提高记忆力,使注意力更集中,对于用脑较多的上班族和学生尤其有益。

9. **保护视力**:蛋黄中的叶黄素和玉米黄素有助于保护眼睛不受紫外线伤害,预防眼部疾病。

10. **辅助减肥**:早餐吃煎鸡蛋的人,比吃碳水化合物为主的早餐的人更容易减轻体重,有助于控制一整天的热量摄入。



1. **蛋白质含量高**:小米的蛋白质含量约为9.0克/100克,其蛋白质品质优于其他谷物,除了赖氨酸外,其他必需氨基酸含量较高。

2. **脂肪比例良好**:小米的脂肪含量平均为3.1克/100克,其中的脂肪多为不饱和脂肪酸,如亚油酸、油酸、亚麻酸等,有利于心脏健康。


3. **B族维生素丰富**:小米含有多种B族维生素,尤其是维生素B1含量较高,还有胡萝卜素、维生素E等,这些维生素有助于维持神经系统健康和预防贫血。

4. **矿物质含量高**:小米含有丰富的矿物质,如硒、钙、铜、铁、锌、碘、镁等,有助于骨骼健康和预防多种疾病。

5. **膳食纤维和酚类化合物**:小米含有较高的膳食纤维和酚类化合物,有助于促进消化,降低胆固醇,预防心血管疾病。

6. **养胃作用**:中医认为小米具有养胃的作用,适合胃部不适的人群食用。小米粥可以缓解胃部不适,帮助消化。

7. **补血功效**:小米中含有大量的铁质,有助于补血,对于产后妇女和贫血患者有很好的调理作用。

8. **促进身体恢复**:小米熬粥后,营养更加丰富,可以用来调养身体,促进身体恢复。

9. **抗氧化和降低血糖、血脂**:小米中的营养成分具有抗氧化作用,可以降低血糖和血脂,对糖尿病患者有一定的帮助。




1. **抗肿瘤作用**:太岁被认为能够调节人体的免疫功能,增强机体对抗肿瘤的能力,从而在预防和辅助治疗肿瘤方面发挥作用。

2. **抗衰老作用**:太岁含有多种抗衰老成分,如含糖量、活性多肽等,可以促进和调节免疫功能,调节新陈代谢平衡,消除自由基,从而延缓衰老过程。

3. **提高免疫力**:太岁能够增强人体免疫系统,清除体内坏死的细胞组织,对病毒感染和病菌等微生物感染有抵抗作用。


4. **增强体质和维持代谢平衡**:食用太岁可以促进核酸和蛋白质的合成,维持身体的代谢平衡,增强体质。

5. **美容养颜**:太岁中的灵芝多糖具有拟SOD活性,可以清除自由基,阻止自由基对机体的损伤,从而起到嫩肤美白的作用。


6. **其他功效**:太岁还被用于治疗多种疾病,如癌症、胃病、咳嗽、眼病、牙病、耳部疾病、痔疮等。

7. **食品添加剂与防腐剂**:太岁体内含有高度抗腐化物质,在食品添加剂和食品防腐剂领域有重大开发价值。

8. **保健品开发**:太岁含有丰富的提高免疫力的物质,在保健品开发方面具有价值。

9. **医药开发**:从中医角度看,太岁是补品中的上品,具有重大的医药开发价值。

10. **科学研究工具**:特大型罕见粘菌复合体太岁肉灵芝是遗传学、生物化学、细胞学、生物制药等领域科学研究的理想工具。




Ten minutes later, the vampire beauty took Qin Changfeng to the depths of the castle, and occasionally met vampires all the way, but Serena walked ahead and no one doubted it.
When Serena pushed two closed doors, she saw Tanis lying on the belly of an enchanting female vampire.
This is also a wonderful vampire. In the original plot, Lucian was released for Sonia, and then successfully escaped by boat with the coffins of three elders. Later, Lucian was exiled by Victor. During the exile period, he made a deal to help him control vampire ultraviolet bombs … until he was finally killed by Marcus.
A generation has struggled in betrayal and betrayal, and life is not as good as Klein’s nourishment. At least people have been a second child.
Tanis, who was working in bed, was awakened by the noise of the door. When she looked back, she was more beautiful than Sonia, the vampire princess. Serena licked her lips and smiled. "Oh, it’s not a good habit for Miss Serena to break into other people’s bedrooms without knocking. I wonder what you want to see me about?"
At the same time, he hummed, "Oh … honey, let’s go first. Miss Serena can watch it if she wants."
Serena turned into a vampire after all, only a few months, and she was not infected with the picture in front of her eyes. She made her face slightly red and held her arms calmly. She said coldly, "Lord Tanis is not what I want to see you."
"Who’s that?" Tanis stirred up while surprised way
A man’s voice suddenly sounded, "Tanis, I want to play a game with you … I heard that vampires are very resilient. I wonder if that thing can grow back after being cut off?"
Tanis heard that the pupil suddenly enlarged, but the voice in his ear did not fall. A figure suddenly appeared from behind Serena for a moment and then appeared beside him, drawing his sword and slashing … A person immediately flew up to see the blood splashed on the bedside wall like spring water. The vampire scholar suddenly felt an unprecedented pleasure, and then his body trembled for a few seconds to restore calm, and then he felt that everything was boring.
"You choose to live or die."
"What does Ge want?" A sharp sword stands on Bottanis, dare not move, dare not withdraw from the dead female vampire.
Chapter one hundred and fifty-one Get up, werewolf!
"The key to the werewolf’s neck collar … the way to enter the elders’ sleeping place" Qin Changfeng said when he saw the mountain.
Without thinking, Tanis replied, "I can give you the key, but Victor knows how to hit me, but I can’t help you."
"So what’s the situation that Victor will tell others about the method of hitting the plane?"
"Then God knows."
Hearing this, Qin Changfeng sighed in his heart and really wanted to kill Marcus while he was sleeping. It was not as simple as I thought.
Tanis found out the key to the werewolf collar that Victor gave him to keep naked and asked nervously, "I did everything you asked. Can you let me go?"
When he spoke, he handed Qin Changfeng the key with one hand, and the other hand was covered by the long sleeves of pajamas. When Qin Changfeng went to pick up the key behind him, he suddenly hissed and showed sharp fangs. This is the vampire’s best performance, and at the same time, he hid in the sleeves and his right hand slammed forward.
This is a sharp dagger. He once tried to easily penetrate the armor of the Death Walker.
However, he saw sarcasm in the other person’s eyes when a dagger did pierce the armor but was blocked by the skin and muscles inside!
"This ….. you are …" Tanis’s eyes were full of horror and suddenly he remembered a terrible saying.
"Death is your choice"
Qin Changfeng brandished his sword and turned around. Tanis’s head fell to the ground, fearing the vampire’s powerful resilience. Whether he or the knights of the light always believed that he had killed them after cutting the vampire’s head completely.
"Let’s go," Qin Changfeng calmly said to Serena. Killing a vampire who has never been good at fighting power has no sense of accomplishment
"Where to?"
Qin Changfeng muses, "Go to Lucian first."
Serena didn’t forget to leave the door when she left, which could delay the discovery of the body.
I don’t know if it’s good luck or bad luck. As soon as they got around the corner, a man with long hair and a fangs collar just came out from the inside and saw Qin Changfeng, he immediately stared at him with his eyes bulging.
This man with messy hair and seemingly emaciated body smells tough, and his face is full of doubts. Suddenly, his face changed and he exclaimed, "Your body smells wrong …"
Qin Changfeng didn’t wait for him to say that finish. A six-meter-long staff suddenly appeared in his hand. It was close at hand. In the opposite man’s horrified eyes, the staff turned into a silver ghosting image. It took a second to smash it in his mouth and then "snow" a mouthful of broken teeth with blood gushed out!
When a man is attacked by sneak attack, he is furious on the spot, his eyes are suddenly dark and bloodthirsty, and his bones are even more creaky and cracked. Obviously, he is a werewolf and his mouth is protruding forward. Unfortunately, his neck is wearing a vampire to build a fangs collar. If he continues to transform, fangs and silver will pierce his neck and forcibly interrupt him to turn him back into a human form.
"What are you yelling at?"
Qin Changfeng smoked another stick. The werewolf raised his hand and tried to block it, but this was a false move. Qin Changfeng’s right hand suddenly pulled out his waist and sword, and the cold light flashed on his neck.

For this kind of madness, Qin Changfeng can express self-shame, such as basic energy, there is no ready-made way to ascend through completion reward or extreme training Dojo

However, Qin Changfeng still admires this kind of person in his heart. There is a saying that if you want to make people perish, you must first make them crazy.
Qin Changfeng’s wonderful thinking, on the other hand, doesn’t make sense-mortals have a chance to perish the emperor before they become crazy!
"All the rewards of the tester have been distributed, with a total balance of 112 test points. Please pay attention to the tester. When the test is over, your first test will start in 30 days and you will return to the test tower …"
"It is shown that besides special reasons such as cultivation mode, the practitioners’ cultivation techniques and skills can be obtained through real scroll transformation cheats, and you can’t grant them to other testers! The plot characters are not restricted. "
Qin Changfeng returned to the trial tower with the second layer of 93% indestructible magical skill and the six-fold nine-yang magical skill.
Although more than 7,000 test points were consumed in it, the overall gains were still huge. First, the six-fold nine-yang magic cheats can be earned back together with the Ministry of Finance. Then, the second layer of 93% indestructible magic is tens of thousands of test points for private testers. It is no exaggeration to say that unless you encounter the same method to understand Uber, the first layer of advanced warfare can walk sideways if it is a mutual killing mode.
Besides, the nine-story Shaolin King Kong is not bad, but he brought it back directly without spending a real scroll, which is worth thousands of test points at least.
Moreover, the information in the last presentation of the main brain is very intriguing.
Qin Changfeng guessed that he couldn’t successfully teach himself to other testers by oral means, except for some energy conversion rules, I’m afraid it was more the brain that restricted the proliferation of achievement methods.
Because once there is no such restriction, Qin Changfeng can sell the secrets of Jiuyang siddhi to 17 people at the same time, and then he will become rich in an instant, and the strength and economy of the trial tower will collapse immediately …
Even if you keep it in your mind, the main brain of the achievement method has set the same limit. If you don’t pay the test point to buy the real scroll, your memory will be directly erased …
As soon as he returned to be transformed into a small house in the middle of the lake, Qin Changfeng received two messages from friends of rank.
One is that Ade said that Yilinluo found him and wanted to contact Qin Changfeng through him and had something important to discuss.
After reading this message, Qin Changfeng has a slight feeling. If you talk about friendship, Yi Linluo is the first person he knows to try. Only a few times have they communicated and got along well, but there are so many inexplicable people around her that Qin Changfeng has to deliberately alienate her. Now he has to connect with himself through Ade.
It’s not surprising that she knows that Ade is connected with herself. There is no windtight wall in the trial tower. He and Ade came back alive from the same dangerous fantasy world. If you have a heart, you must have a way to find out.
On the other hand, Ade’s practice always satisfies Qin Changfeng, stating the original facts and then letting him make his own decisions. This is the best teammate in Qin Changfeng’s view. The last thing he likes is those people who always have their own ideas and then rock the boat.
"If she doesn’t enter the fantasy world, let’s meet in a pub as a child." Qin Changfeng, a naive little girl like Yilinluo, can’t really hate it. Anyway, she plans to meet again.
In fact, Qin Changfeng has vaguely guessed something. He has been in the handheld device maker for twenty years, and it has been more than two months in the trial tower. Four teams usually compete for the third level. This time must have ended. It is estimated that the result of the wild team is not very good …
The other one comes from borrowing a trial point from Qin Changfeng. The original Terran’s face was paralyzed, but he didn’t say what it was. He sent two trial points directly, apparently to repay the money and interest he had lent him.
Qin Changfeng looked at the two trial points, hesitated a little, and sighed a little. Then he received 15 points of contract gold and interest, and sent back the remaining 5 points. At the same time, he sent the coordinates of his own room together and invited him to meet.
It didn’t take long for a small white building in the middle of the lake to be sent over by a person. It was the very lonely face at the beginning.
But when I saw Qin Changfeng’s eyes at first sight, I couldn’t help but flash a little surprise. An old saying emerged in my heart-don’t sit up and take notice, but now this one is really different.
Wearing an armor engraved with mysterious patterns, although it is not gorgeous, it is inexplicably dignified and muddy. When you step on the wooden floor, you can make a clanging sound like a metal collision.
His back is straight, even when he walks, he never bends his eyes. After he is tough, he looks like a hardened elite soldier. Where is the slightest bit of decadence?
Qin Changfeng couldn’t help being more interested in him. How did the opportunity make him change like this in just a few trials?
When Qin Changfeng looked at the facial paralysis, the other side was staring at Qin Changfeng calmly. It was faintly visible that there was a flash of curiosity in his eyes. It seemed that he was very surprised by this pair of cloth monks, but there was no sign in his look.
Like a stone of perseverance, neither wind, frost, rain, snow nor cold and heat can change him.
Twenty years as a monk, Qin Changfeng has long been accustomed to baldness, to twisting Bodhisattva beads when he speaks, and to being a monk.
So he didn’t explain or let the brain restore his appearance, so he took the initiative to smile. "Speaking of which, I don’t even know your name?"
Facial paralysis calmly replied, "Shi Tian, I know your name-Qin Changfeng."
Qin Changfeng didn’t care that his name was no secret and nodded. "I’m going to take part in the advanced war. Do you want to join us?"
"Can you invite me to join the team?" Shi Tian answered without thinking and took the initiative to let the captain out
In fact, even if he doesn’t let Qin Changfeng, he will firmly grasp this position in his hand. Otherwise, even if a person sets up a lonely team to participate in advanced warfare alone, he will never give the initiative to others.
The captain’s greatest profit is to recruit or remove team members directly according to the visual members.
Although it costs a lot to directly remove players without the consent of the other team or most teammates, this feeling that others may dispose of threats at any time is accepted by Qin Changfeng.
He is determined to walk alone because he can enter the world by copying the compass of fate, and he doesn’t like the appearance of people around him who may cause him accidents at any time.

"Whirlwind chop!"

Xu Tianhua’s hand is three skills.
His axe cut a blow at the speed of resolution with the naked eye, and then split three flashes from different angles. Finally, his body rotated and swept out a huge and gorgeous cyan axe awn.
“1! 1! 1!”
One of the black boar warriors was hacked to death directly.
His shield resisted the attack of another wild boar warrior, waiting for the skill to cool down, and then another wave of strong output broke out, hitting the wild boar elite with great strength.
Xu Tianhua has not only reached level 5.
And the pure pursuit of grade parallel imports is different.
Xu Tianhua’s equipment skills are excellent, although not as strong as Hang Yu’s, but they are also very solid.
After all, Xu Tianhua is a high-level institutional person with great potential and is the key training object.
If Hangyu, a freak, had not been born.
Xu Tianhua is definitely the first master in this group.
Chen Yu of Lizard Camp is a jurist. Her equipment level is almost the same as that of Zhang Xiaoqiang, and her explosive output ability is slightly weaker than that of Zhang Xiaoqiang, but Chen Yu has three skills, and her overall output is higher than that of Zhang Xiaoqiang.
A beam of light, a thunder, an ice pick.
Three powerful attacks hit a red boar warrior at the same time!
The red boar warrior has a rough skin and a high physical defense. He was baptized by fire, and now he has half his life left, and he has been hit by powerful spells continuously and immediately entered a state of near death.
A green figure rushed over at an extremely fast speed.
This is Chen Yu’s spirit beast-snake lizard near lizard camp.
There is a big reason why Chen Yu can develop so fast is to have this spirit beast.
The snake lizard has been trained to level 3, and its fighting power is not inferior to that of the wild level 3 bronze elite, who is good at highly toxic anesthesia and can perfectly cooperate with Chen Yu’s brush monster upgrade.
Snake lizards can not only carry but also fight.
Its attack can also paralyze the target.
Chen Yu’s powerful spell attack ability to hunt bronze elites at the same level is a cinch.
The leaders of the three camps are all very strong.
There are also many good players in the three camps.
They may not be able to pervert Hang Yubi, but if they take it out alone, they can definitely be regarded as a master.
Everyone besieged the fire and burned wildly.
Let the wild boar root have no hope of turning defeat into victory.
When the battle lasted for about twenty minutes, there were no wild boars left on the scene, and there were wild boars everywhere, and some of them were shining and disappearing little by little.
"We won!"
"We actually won!"
Everyone has an unreal feeling.
The difficulty of the wild boar’s cottage is much higher than expected.
I didn’t expect to attack it and pay the price is not too big.
Hang Yu has returned to normal and came over with huskies. "How many people have lost in total?"
Zhao replied, "it is estimated that about 110 people have been sacrificed, and there are more than 500 people left. Most of them have reached level 3 and level 4, and there are more than a dozen!"
There are some sacrifices that are difficult!
After all, this is a modest war!
This loss is nothing compared with the gain!
At present, the number of war profits has not been specifically counted, and there are too many war profits, including green things
Even if the benefits of throwing battles are not considered as reiki gains, they have earned more than half of the level 2 fighters to level 3, and there are more than ten level 4 figures.

"It’s almost a success, but I didn’t expect Ao Bai to appear at this time." Mu Sang added, "Ao Bai’s strength is poor and palm power is overbearing. My fencing roots can’t be broken. His body defense can be magical and changeable, but he will lose it for a long time. Fortunately, the palm power hit me every other time, otherwise I might be killed on the spot. After I escaped from the Qing Palace, Ao Bai didn’t chase me. He might think that I won’t live with his palm."

I’m afraid I wouldn’t have lived if I hadn’t met Wang Yue.
Wang Yue eyebrows a wrinkly slightly said, "Even the Taoist priest can’t break his defense in fencing? That said, his practice is to protect the body and has reached an unfathomable state. "
What is the achievement method of Ao Bai’s cultivation? Wang Yue is curious. Even if the tantric dragon is like Prajnaparamita, it is impossible to resist the master fencing attack.
Musang Taoist priest said, "Every time I attack Ao Bai with fencing, there will be a protective golden light, which is indestructible like the golden bell of Shaolin Temple."
Wang Yue one leng said "golden bell? The golden bell jar is not a very high skill. It ranks very low among the 72 stunts of Shaolin. Is it really so powerful? " ? ?
Chapter 15 Huang Taiji was seriously ill
At that time, Wang Yue also saw 72 stunts in the Buddhist Scripture Pavilion in Shaolin Temple, but at that time, most of Wang Yue’s energy was devoted to family boxing and Buddhist scriptures, and he did not study those martial arts secrets carefully.
Wang Yue recalled the achievement of a golden bell jar, but he still didn’t find anything terrible about this martial arts.
To say the characteristics of the golden bell jar is that it is very difficult to practice. It is more difficult to practice the golden bell jar to a great achievement than the dragon elephant Prajnaparamita.
It is said that the martial arts of Bodhisattva Bodhisattva when he came to the Central Plains Institute were the golden bell jar Yijin Sutra and pulp washing Sutra, which were created by Bodhisattva Bodhisattva later.
At that time, the golden bell jar of Bodhisattva Bodhisattva bodhisattva had been cultivated to the twelfth largest state, and it had reached the state of fire and water, and the sword was difficult to hurt.
"Is it true?"
Wang Yue frowned and said in his heart, "Is the highest state of the golden bell jar a’ Buddha’s golden body’?"
"Wang Yue?"
Mulberry long see sword king frowning become speechless export shouted
Wang Yue came to her senses and said with a smile, "What’s the matter with the Taoist priest?"
Master Mu Sang asked, "Wang Yue, you are doing that strange thing when you are young in Huashan, but you are not in Mu Renqing and me. I wonder if you are an opponent of Ao Bai?"
Wang Yue shook his head and said with a wry smile, "Taoist, I’m not stronger than you now. It’s faster and weirder to attack. Since you can’t break Ao Bai’s defense, I shouldn’t be able to do it."
Wang Yue’s scalpel is very sharp, but it’s not the "iron sword" token in Yu Zhen’s hand. Wang Yue’s "flying knife" can’t be pierced. If Ao Bai’s protective magic is really cultivated to a high level, Wang Yue’s flying knife will never be able to endure him.
However, Wang Yue believes that there must be a way to break Ao Bai’s defensive martial arts. No matter how high it is, it will not be the enemy. Even Wang Yue’s spiritual cultivation is the same.
Spiritual power is better than strangeness and changeability, but when it comes to attacking power, it is not better than protecting the body.
Minister Musang sighed, "If you are not sure, then no one can resist Ao Bai?"
Wang Yue is mysterious in the eyes of Mu Sang, who not only cultivates advanced knowledge, but also can do things that ordinary fighters can’t.
Wang Yue’s eyes were all gone, and he said, "The Taoist priest is very powerful, but it’s not that Ao Bai’s defense can’t be broken now, and it will be broken in the future."
Qing Shengjing was dealing with Gong Taiji, who suddenly felt dizzy and then lost consciousness.
"Huang Huang"
Huang taiji’s coma made the whole palace panic.
When Huang Taiji woke up again, he found himself lying in bed.
"It’s so good that you are awake," Da Yuer cried with joy when she saw Huang Taiji awake. "Emperor, you can’t have something, otherwise what do you want me to do with Fu Lin? What do you want Qing to do?"
Huang Taiji took Da Yuer’s hand and said with a smile, "Don’t worry that I will have nothing to make Ao Bai and Fan Wencheng come to see me."
Da Yuer Ma ordered Ao Bai and Fan Wencheng to come here quickly.
Soon both Ao Bai and Fan Wencheng arrived.
"Long live the emperor, long live the emperor."
Shouted after two people kowtow.
Huang taiji nodded, "Stand up."
"thank the emperor"
When they got up, Fan Wencheng asked, "Does the emperor know that I have something to tell you to send a slave here this time?"
Ao Bai is also curious about what Huang Taiji wants to do. You know that Huang Taiji will not let him come forward in general.
Huang taiji said, "Fan Aiqing’s headache is getting more and more serious. This time, I was in a coma in my room. I am helpless about this disease. I want to have the imperial doctor Wang Yue to find a way."
"I have asked Yu Zhennan, a real protector, to look for it, but I don’t know when Wang Yue will be invited by the real protector. I don’t know if Fan Aiqing can find an imperial doctor as soon as possible and let him treat me."
Huang taiji is afraid that this headache will kill him now.
At that time, Huang taiji was also able to take the lead, but since he became emperor, Huang taiji was afraid of death, and now he can’t bear to be rich and beautiful, and she can’t bear to be the throne.
Fan Wencheng thought for a moment and said, "It is not difficult for the emperor to find the imperial doctor Wang Yue. I just received information before I entered the palace. Now Wang Yue is being treated in Ma Shiying, Nanjing. Now it is difficult to get Wang Yue Huang to treat you."
Huang taiji also has some nai in his heart
Yes, what if we can let Wang Yue cure himself?
Manchu and Dada are sworn enemies, and Huang Taiji is even more so. It is impossible for the Qing emperor to treat the root of his illness if he wants to come to the imperial court. I wonder how many people want Huang Taiji to die.
"Can Fan Aiqing have a good plan?" Huang taiji asked
Fan Wencheng thought for a while and said, "The emperor’s way is to ask the emperor to do as the slave says. I believe that the imperial doctor Wang Yue will soon come to Shengjing Emperor to treat diseases, but …"
Huang taiji quickly asked, "But what?"
"But I’m afraid it will damage the name of the emperor," Fan Wencheng said.
"Say" Huang Taiji said.
"Yes," Fan Wencheng said. "As far as I know, there is a son in Yuan Chonghuan named Yuan Chengzhi who studied martial arts in Huashan for more than ten years. In those days, Yuan Chonghuan saved Wang Yue’s life. If we want to catch Yuan Chengzhi, the emperor can send people to the big court to spread rumors that Wang Yue will kill the Han people if he doesn’t come to Shengjing to cure the disease."