
1. **提高生产效率**:在许多工业过程中,如化工、食品加工、制药等,泡沫的生成会干扰正常操作。消泡剂能够有效消除泡沫,保证生产过程的顺利进行,从而提高生产效率。

2. **改善产品质量**:泡沫可能会影响产品的质量,尤其是在制药和食品加工领域。使用消泡剂可以确保产品质量不受泡沫影响。

3. **节约能源**:泡沫的存在会增加系统的能耗,如泵送、搅拌等。通过消除泡沫,可以降低能耗,节省资源。


4. **保护设备**:泡沫可能会在设备表面形成沉积物,导致设备磨损和故障。消泡剂可以防止泡沫的形成,从而保护设备。

5. **降低环境污染**:在废水处理过程中,泡沫会阻碍处理效果。使用消泡剂可以减少泡沫的产生,降低废水处理过程中的污染。

6. **降低成本**:消泡剂可以减少材料浪费,降低生产成本。


1. **降低表面张力**:消泡剂中的表面活性剂可以降低液体的表面张力,从而削弱泡沫表面的膜,使泡沫容易破裂和消散。

2. **干扰气泡形成机制**:消泡剂可以阻止气泡在液体中的形成和聚集,改变气泡的形态、尺寸和分布。


3. **破坏泡沫稳定性**:消泡剂与泡沫中的气泡表面相互作用,破坏气泡膜的稳定性,使其变得不稳定。

4. **分散泡沫**:消泡剂能够改变泡沫中气泡的排列和间距,使泡沫分散成更小、更不稳定的气泡,降低整体泡沫的稳定性。



1. **清热解毒**:菊花性微寒,入肺经,具有清热解毒的功效。适用于风热感冒、咽喉肿痛、热毒疮疡等症。

2. **疏散风热**:菊花能够疏散风热,适用于风热感冒、头痛、咳嗽等症。

3. **明目**:菊花具有明目作用,对肝火旺、用眼过度导致的眼睛干涩、目赤、视力模糊等有较好的疗效。

4. **降血压**:菊花中的有效成分能够扩张血管,降低血压,适用于高血压患者。


5. **降血脂**:菊花具有降血脂的作用,对于高血脂患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。


6. **抗氧化**:菊花中含有丰富的抗氧化物质,如菊甙、黄酮类化合物等,能够清除体内的自由基,延缓衰老。

7. **抗炎**:菊花具有抗炎作用,能够缓解炎症,适用于各种炎症性疾病。

8. **镇静安神**:菊花具有镇静安神的作用,适用于失眠、焦虑等症。

9. **抗菌**:菊花中的挥发油可以抑制多种细菌的活性,具有一定的抗菌作用。

10. **抗肿瘤**:菊花中的小白菊内酯等成分具有抗癌作用,对乳癌、肝癌及胰腺癌等有一定的抑制作用。

11. **解暑**:菊花具有解暑作用,适用于夏季中暑、头晕、头痛等症。

12. **减肥**:菊花具有减肥作用,适用于肥胖症、高血脂症等。


– **贡菊**:以明目、养肝养眼为主要功效。
– **杭菊**:分为黄菊和白菊,黄菊清热力较强,白菊平肝明目较显著。
– **昆仑雪菊**:具有调三高的功效,对冠心病、高血脂、糖尿病等有特殊疗效。
– **野菊花**:清热消肿,对缓解生疮、牙痛、口臭等症有疗效。


– **滁菊**:疏散风热,适用于嗓子发干、头昏等热伤风症状。
– **亳菊**:疏风散热,解暑明目,适用于风热感冒、头痛、目赤等症。


1. 饮用菊花茶时,最好选择新鲜、无污染的菊花。
2. 适量饮用,过量饮用可能引起不适。
3. 孕妇、哺乳期妇女、过敏体质者应慎用。
4. 脾胃虚弱者不宜过多饮用寒性较重的菊花。



### 功效

1. **抗衰老与抗氧化**:石斛兰含有丰富的水溶性多糖和胶质,能有效减缓肌肤老化问题,修复肌肤损伤,具有抗氧化作用。

2. **增强体质**:根据《药性论》记载,石斛能补肾积精、养胃阴、益气力,对于增强体质有显著效果。

3. **补益脾胃**:《神农本草经》和《本草再新》中记载,石斛兰有补益脾胃的作用,可用于治疗腹涨痛、胃脘痛,并对幽门螺杆菌有抑制作用。

4. **利胆**:石斛兰具有滋养肝阴的作用,可用于治疗肝炎、胆囊炎、胆结石等肝胆疾病。


5. **强筋壮骨**:石斛兰能够滋养阴液,帮助润滑关节,对抗风湿,具有良好的抗疲劳性。

6. **预防肿瘤**:从石斛中提取的微量物质能促进人体免疫系统的功能,抑制肿瘤细胞的再生,具有预防肿瘤的功效。

7. **帮助消化**:石斛兰中的石斛物质成分能促进消化系统的有效吸收,有助于胃液的分泌和肠胃蠕动。

8. **明目作用**:石斛兰具有明目作用,对于眼科疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。

9. **改善糖尿病**:石斛兰中的石斛多糖有助于降低血糖,对糖尿病患者有一定的治疗作用。

### 应用


1. **药用**:石斛兰常用于中药配方中,用于治疗上述提到的多种疾病。

2. **保健品**:石斛兰可以制成保健品,如石斛茶、石斛胶囊等,用于日常保健。

3. **护肤品**:含有石斛兰成分的护肤品可以用于护肤养颜,抗衰老。

4. **盆景**:石斛兰因其优美的形态和独特的观赏价值,常被用作盆景植物。

5. **食品**:石斛兰的茎部可以入菜,具有一定的营养价值。




1. **生态平衡与氧气供应**:

2. **海洋生态系统的生产者**:

3. **渔业资源**:

4. **可再生能源**:

5. **药物与保健品**:


6. **工业用途**:

7. **海洋生态系统稳定**:

8. **生物多样性**:



1. **强壮筋骨**:五加皮酒中的五加皮成分具有祛风除湿、强筋骨的功效,可以促进血液循环,缓解四肢麻木和关节疼痛。

2. **活血调经**:五加皮酒在制作过程中加入的中药材如海风藤、木瓜和威灵仙等,能够补益气血,活血调经,特别适合气血亏虚和月经不调的女性饮用。

3. **滋补肝肾**:五加皮酒有助于滋补肝肾,提高人体肝肾功能,对因肝肾不足引起的身体虚弱和腰膝酸软等症状有很好的改善作用。

4. **祛风除湿**:五加皮酒中的五加皮和青风藤等成分具有祛风除湿的作用,对于风湿痹症、关节疼痛等有较好的缓解效果。


5. **提高免疫力**:五加皮酒具有一定的免疫调节作用,有助于增强人体免疫力。

6. **辅助治疗疾病**:五加皮酒对风湿性关节炎、坐骨神经痛、腰酸背痛、四肢乏力、手脚冰凉等症状有辅助治疗作用。


7. **保健养生**:五加皮酒具有活血、抗寒、消疲解乏、添精补髓、补气神的保健养生功效,男女皆宜,四季皆可饮用。


– **适量饮用**:过量饮用可能会导致身体不适,建议按照说明书或医生建议适量饮用。
– **个人体质**:五加皮酒并非适合所有人,特别是对五加皮成分过敏者应避免饮用。
– **儿童不宜**:五加皮酒含有一定量的酒精,少儿不宜饮用。



1. **药用价值**:
– **燥湿化痰**:陈皮中含有橙皮甙、类柠檬苦素、挥发油等成分,具有燥湿化痰的功效,适用于治疗咳嗽、痰多等症状。
– **理气和中**:陈皮能理气健脾,对于脾胃气滞、脘腹胀闷、恶心呕吐等有很好的缓解作用。
– **健胃消食**:陈皮能促进消化,对于食欲不振、消化不良有一定的改善作用。
– **解鱼腥毒**:陈皮具有解鱼腥毒的功效,烹饪时加入陈皮可以去除鱼腥味,提升食物口感。

2. **保健作用**:
– **增强免疫力**:陈皮中的多种成分能增强人体免疫力,预防感冒。
– **抗氧化**:陈皮中的维生素C、类黄酮等成分具有抗氧化作用,有助于延缓衰老。
– **改善睡眠**:陈皮具有安神的作用,有助于改善睡眠质量。

3. **烹饪用途**:
– **增香提味**:陈皮九制后,口感独特,烹饪时加入少量陈皮,可以使菜肴更加鲜美可口。
– **丰富营养**:陈皮九制过程中,加入了白糖等调料,使得陈皮的营养价值得到提升。

4. **日常保健**:
– **泡茶饮用**:将陈皮九制后泡水饮用,可以缓解疲劳、提神醒脑。


– **制作点心**:陈皮九制后可制作成各种点心,如陈皮饼、陈皮糕等,既美味又具有保健作用。


A black fog spewed out at night, and it has been hit hard.

His figure suddenly exploded into a black fog and disappeared directly.
"Hum ~ ~ ~"
Yu Guihai suddenly a cold hum nostrils spewed out two yellow Guanghua crashing into two like the essence of light in the virtual.
Soon a black fog figure was pulled out by two lights.
I went to the sea and drank a lot. Colorful Guanghua poured out and wrapped the black fog figure into a ball of light and then swallowed it with my mouth open.
Life and death start everything.
All this happened just in a short moment, and the powerful night gang was defeated and captured!
All eyes have turned to the other two people.
In the middle of the martial arts, the strong man turned pale and looked around. Anzaro wanted to make eye contact.
Only to find that Anzaro was receding in the distance. He looked at his eyes and the others were the same.
This man can’t help smiling bitterly. A clown turned out to be myself!
Chapter 1132 Infiltration, the reasons for the gathering of the three families, and the fierce Yang mission
Yu Guihai sits at the head of a secret underwater abode of fairies and immortals, all dressed in black.
These people are surrounded by light black fog, which is the fog ghost family.
Since the patriarch of the clan, a total of 14 strong people are here, and there are three or four strong people in the clan. It can be said that almost the clan of Fog Ghost has been taken.
These people can easily drive the whole fog clan to do things when they are in Yu Guihai.
However, the first thing he did was to inquire about the reasons why experts from all ethnic groups gathered in Haicheng.
"I really don’t know the details of the master’s affairs. Not only that, but according to the genus, it is speculated that other races are forced to come and help, and they should not know."
Fog ghost clan patriarch night Gang close respectfully reported.
"I see."
Yu Guihai lost in thought.
What Yegang said must be true. It is impossible to lie to him. This is the result of life and death guarantee.
So it seems that this thing should be the arrangement of the three super families.
It’s hard to say what they are going to do
"By the way, the owner got a message that this time there is no super-powerful and powerful Aikido among the floating Haicheng people. The strongest is the peak of Aikido among the major races. The strong Tongtian clan is the three elders, and the fierce Yang clan is the great protector of the Yueling clan, who has never appeared but is certainly the peak of Aikido among the Yueling clan." Yegang added.
"oh? What are the strengths of these people? " Yu Guihai asked curiously.
"These people are famous for their strength. Although they are at the top of the same road, their strength is definitely much stronger than that of our elders." The night gang combined to think about an answer.
Yu Guihai thought to himself that the strong man must be temporarily forced to face it.
But his heart is also very confused.
Although these three people are powerful, they are not beyond the level of the martial arts environment, which means that this time things are not beyond the scope of the martial arts environment and it is not worth the super power of the martial arts environment.
But what is it?
Yu Guihai thought for a while without a clue and said to Ye Gang He, "Who is the person who asked you to kill Yue Linger before the night patriarch?"
"I really can’t be sure if I have never seen this person, but I suspect that it is the strong Eldar itself. That incident should be a shackle, and the strong Eldar who came to Shanghai this time may also be this person." Yegang replied.
"Well, you go on the one hand, continue to disguise, and give me the intelligence report of the mysterious strong at any time, and try to find out the truth of the floating sea city, and help me explore the January shine." Yu Guihai ordered after thinking about it.
"I’ll wait!"
Fog ghost clan all devoting to upon immediately left the abode of fairies and immortals.
Yu Guihai meditated alone for a while and got up and conveniently erased the abode of fairies and immortals here.
Heshan Islands is an important site of the Crewe people, and the largest island here, Heshan Island, is guarded by the strong in the late period of the Hopewell Territory.
There is a huge city in the core of Heshan Island, and a tall tower rises in the city.
An old man of Crewe with tentacles looked into the distance from the top of the tower with a worried look.
He is Kemodo, the elder of the Crewe who guards this place.
Not long ago, he got the news that krum, a strong man in the late period of Tonghe Daojing, had fallen to the ground and died somewhere.
"Three holy family exactly what to do? Don’t wave to our family when the situation around us is so tense! " Kemodo sighed with anxiety.
But he can’t do anything about it. He dare not stop the holy family.
Just then a light came from a distance.
Komodo raised his slightly aged eyelids, glanced at his face and flashed a trace of love. He muttered, "Why is this little thing Krissaso here?"

In fact, the one-to-one ratio of Brahma’s magic seal has transformed the magic thunder robbery force into 2% more powerful than other robbery forces, and the core word of real power is pollution!

Yes, it is the magic weapon of magical pollution that pollutes the flesh, blood and other tangible things and demonizes them.
And after demonization, the performance is different. For example, most magic weapons lose spirituality and become mortal, and once the monk’s body is polluted by magic gas, it is even more terrible.
It’s more likely to be directly eroded into a pile of dirty blood or become a dead body for survival, etc.
Generally speaking, Qin Changfeng is satisfied with the power of Vatican Monty Seal.
This not only makes him look more like a big devil when his Yan Gong identity appears, but also adds a lot of powerful means to the enemy.
For this mysterious and strange magic LeiJieLi wei pines road flyover is obviously also very afraid, after eating a stuffy loss, he didn’t start work again, but looked at the person in front coldly.
"Is the pavilion the Duke Yan of the Magic Road who has recently become famous for refining blood?"
"It’s Yan Mou," Qin Changfeng waved Road flyover wild dog and others to retreat to dozens of foreign roads. "Taoist priests don’t have to hold such strong hostility. If we talk about destroying Qingyun Gate, I can help you with one arm. We are allies now, aren’t we?"
"How do you know that the Poison God told you this?" Road flyover Cangsong looked at the yellow mask without blinking, as if he wanted to see his face through the mask.
"Is it really important?" Qin Changfeng sighed, "If I really don’t mean to wait for you here tonight, it’s not me, but Dao Xuan and Tian are not easy to wait for people."
Cangsong said coldly, "Then you didn’t invite me out to enjoy the moonlight, did you?"
"Of course not," said Qin Changfeng with two fingers. "First, I want to know the tactics of the Qing Yunmen Taiji Xuan sweeping department; Secondly, I will learn a little from you. I promise these two conditions. I promise that I will give you a gift to help you on the day of attacking Qingyun Gate! "
Cangsong suddenly narrowed his eyes and sank, "The second condition is just that. Do you want to complete Taiji Xuanqing Road?"
Qin Changfeng said lightly, "If you feel cheated, I’ll trade with you for the first volume of the origin day of all the achievement methods of the so-called Magic Door Five Cases?"
If you can get it through exchange, it is no different from gloves and white blades for Qin Changfeng. Even if he spreads all his practice tactics to this world, what can he do?
They can still live and die in this world, and there will be no negative effects if they are not broadcast in the real world.
Qin Changfeng, who wants to be able to exchange and solve problems, will never force the other party to do that for himself again. It’s a thankless job.
Moreover, the Taoist priest obviously refused to give him this condition … Before the strength method overwhelmed the other party’s situation, he revealed his identity secret, and he could choose to make it worse. The other party’s condition was not bad
Soon the transaction was successful.
Next, Qin Changfeng, who learned from Taiji Xuanqingdao Yuan Li, entered the Gengetsu abode of fairies and immortals machine to prepare for stealing the immortal sword.
The means of absorbing force naturally comes from absorbing power solution.
Although he copied the skill of absorbing power solution, it has been replaced, but the incomplete achievement method has been restored. He can still cultivate a little basic element absorption ability. It is not too simple for Qin Changfeng now.
With the enemy’s power level getting higher and higher, the absorption speed will become slower and slower, and the absorption ability will become worse and worse.
However, at this stage, this magical achievement method can still play a certain role.
In addition, it is worth noting that as the realm is getting higher and higher, the brain’s restrictions on testers practicing other techniques or moves are becoming more and more relaxed.
It’s just that most of these cultivation techniques can make or can’t enjoy the extra achievements of the power body of the trial tower in the world.
At this stage, it is still not worth the loss to cultivate one’s own skills and abilities.
But this does not prevent Qin Changfeng from seeing a trend and skills gradually cancel in the future, and it is true that the data attributes are similar …
A few days later, Qin Changfeng looked up at the towering Tongtian Peak in a remote place at the foot of Qingyun Mountain and stood quietly.
It is strange that he is wearing a rather old-fashioned cassock at the moment, and it seems that he is preparing for the next action …
Road flyover wild dog stands behind him with a dozen elite bloodsucking halls. Looking at his back is like looking up at the unattainable mountain Da Yue.
Since witnessing Qin Changfeng concise Vatican monty seal, the awe in their hearts has deepened.
Like being brainwashed to let Qin Changfeng have a feeling … Even if he shows his true heart now, they will accept it!
Of course, this is a feeling that he won’t and doesn’t need to be mentally retarded to really test the results.
Chapter three hundred and fifteen Stealing the Immortal’s True and False Tao Xuan
I don’t know how long I’ve been standing at the foot of the mountain. Suddenly, a distant bell rang floating on the mountain peak …
Road flyover dingou looked up and whispered, "It should have been."
For the magic door to gather against Qingyun Gate, the four cases, such as Ghost King Zong and Poison Gate, have not invited the blood refining hall. Obviously, this once-declining force has not really been regarded as standing side by side with them, and the road flyover wild dog is even less qualified to know such a secret. Qin Changfeng told him.
At this time, Qin Changfeng narrowed his eyes and said, "Wait for me at the back of the mountain, and you can leave it directly and wait for me at Heyang City."
Road flyover wild dog startled way "male mountain alone in case of danger …"
Qin Changfeng grunted coldly, "Can’t I take you alone and distract me to protect you?"
Road flyover dingou’s tone was sluggish and he finally agreed to come with a wry smile.
The most sacred place in the Qingyun Gate of Jade Qing Temple has experienced many vicissitudes of life. As always, it is magnificent and amazing.
On this day, there are many people sitting in the huge hall. The real person in the middle of the hall is respected, and there is a small coffee table next to his seat. On the desktop, there is a poker that is the magic weapon of Zhang Xiaofan.
In the row on his right is the first pulse of Qingyun Gate, including Tian Buyi, who is sitting there in all the personnel departments, while the rest of Qingyun Gate are sitting or behind them.
In addition to Qingyun’s disciples, there are many other people on the left-hand side of Daoxuan real people, such as kind-looking monks and gloomy old people … These are people from Tianyin Temple and Incense Burning Valley.
Of course, the Tianyin Temple people are real, while the Xianggu people are ordered by pines to pretend.
At this time, Zhang Xiaofan knelt alone in the center of the main hall and asked with a straight face, "This trip to Liubo Mountain in the East China Sea has a Taoist friend from Tianyin Temple who pointed out that the Taoist method you used when fighting with the strange beast real cow was actually that Tianyin Temple was never outside the’ Great Brahma Prajna’ true method. Can this happen?"
Zhang Xiaofan didn’t speak immediately jade qing temple atmosphere as if there were some slight tension in the air as if there were some things beating gently.

But in Lin Yang’s eyes, Qin Liangyu’s every punch and every foot contains surging soul force. Even if he gets a rough skin, he must be unable to withstand the strength of soul force. Qin Liangyu has reached the true leisure period of the ghost king, not only stronger than Wu Sangui and Li Zicheng, but also worse than Wang Baobao. A woman … No, it should be said that a female ghost is even worse than a group of men. It is really not easy and worse. In this group of men, besides being contemporary with her, there are ghost ages far away from her.

In Lin Yang’s opinion, there may be some people who can’t see clearly the depth of the soul. Daoyan is worse than Qin Liangyu. Others can’t compare with this female Chinese Buddhist. Facing the offensive in Qin Liangyu, Lin Yang can’t neglect to see the confession immediately and wrestle with her. Because this is a campus and a small forest during the day, although it is secluded here, there are still occasional students who have avoided it and caused unnecessary sensation. Lin Yang also didn’t exert his powerful skills. In addition to running the Dongyue Yellow Sutra to let the surging soul force spread all over his body, he gained two symbols, Lei Feng and Shan Ze.
Lei Feng and Shan Ze, these two characters, were learned by Lin Yang when he entered the late stage of listening to the world.
Lei Feng Fu is an offensive symbol, when it is released, it will attract thunder and strong winds to help out, while Shan Ze Fu is a defensive symbol, which can form a layer of armor made of water and soil on the body surface. The invulnerability is excellent at this moment, which does not attract others’ attention. Lin Yang deliberately controls the thunder and lightning flash of Lei Feng Fu on his fist and foot, and at the same time hides the water and soil armor brought by Shan Ze Fu in his clothes.
In this way, it is impossible for ordinary people to find all kinds of visions of him even if they are close.
Of course, ordinary people can’t see it, but Qin Liangyu can see it clearly.
"Sister Zhuo didn’t lie to me. This Wynaut is a little capable."
Qin Liangyu is very clear that the release of Fu Qi is easy, but it is quite difficult to control the power of Fu Qi’s release within a certain range.
She licked her tongue and looked very excited.
Diamond cut diamond will meet a talented person.
Qin Liangyu’s fighting spirit is quite high at the moment.
Lin Yang and Qin Liangyu played dozens of tricks in the blink of an eye.
In this brief and fierce confrontation, the two men also got a clear understanding of each other’s strength. Qin Liangyu’s soul force is pure and vast, and all kinds of fighting tricks emerge in endlessly, all of which are fatal. She is a female warrior who fights in a sea of blood. Although she is gentle and gentle, this fist and fist kung fu is extremely powerful in the battlefield.
And Lin Yang, although somewhat inferior in the fist fight, can still fight with Qin Liangyu in an endless stream of symbols and techniques, and still occupy a somewhat advantage. Lin Yang is also very glad about this.
If Xiongbo hadn’t swallowed the blood beads of King Torre, he would have been promoted by leaps and bounds to the late stage of listening, and if he had fought against Qin Liangyu alone at the early stage of listening, even if he tried his best, he would have ended up in a defeated ending.
The two men punched each other and stepped back a few steps, then jumped on each other.
Qin Liangyu’s left foot point to his right foot high lift with a sharp broken ring is a whip leg to Lin Yang’s head. If it is drawn by her foot, even if Lin Yang’s head is made of steel, it will be directly cut off and fly out.
Lin Yang raised his left hand and poured the soul force into his arm. The armor brought by the soul force mountain Zefu abruptly blocked this potential to sink his whip leg.
A crack ring came to Lin Yang’s arm, and Shan Zefu brought the armor to break instantly.
At this moment, Lin Yang’s right hand flashed out and reached Qin Liangyu’s throat like a poisonous snake spitting a letter. It would take another centimeter to crush her neck.
Lin Yang stopped the offensive and said cheerfully, "You lost."
"Not a draw," Qin Liangyu replied, and at the same time, his eyes signaled Lin Yang to look.
Looking down at Lin Yang’s heart, I suddenly felt a tight feeling.
I don’t know when Qin Liangyu’s hand reached his crotch, but it takes another centimeter to let him taste the feeling of broken roots and broken eggs
"Well, it’s a tie," Lin Yang said with a wry smile.
Now the situation is that even if he can crush Qin Liangyu’s throat, he will definitely lose it … This is indeed a lose-lose result
"Well …"
Lin Yanggang looked up and froze.
The reason is simple.
Today, Qin Liangyu was wearing a short skirt, and now he lifted his foot and kicked him in the short skirt. The scenery inside was inevitable and he left.
Not only that, Lin Yang also found that it is really not appropriate for him and Qin Liangyu to keep modeling at the moment-he grabbed Qin Liangyu and lifted his long legs, while Qin Liangyu reached his crotch with one hand … What do you think of this posture?
There happened to be a couple passing by in this small forest. After seeing their posture, the couple quickly turned and walked towards the side, but Lin Yang clearly heard the boy rushing at his girlfriend’s novel, "These two people’s posture looks very good … Xiaomei, let’s try it back. It must be fun."
"Try you, big head ghost, I can’t lift my legs that high." The girl glared at him and said grumpily.
The couple whispered and woke up Lin Yang. He quickly loosened his grip on Qin Liangyu’s long legs and left hand and said with a smile, "I’m sorry, I’m sorry I didn’t pay attention to this just now …"

Liu Wei is not in charge. He reached out and picked up the desk check and shouted at Qi, "It’s a good time for you to find me. You really have to move in the fifth district."

"What direction?" March immediately asked
"It seems that I don’t know the details of tying a person." After Liu Wei thought about it, "I’ll find a chance to contact you when you say goodbye later."
"Good" march nodded.
"That’s it. I walked first." Liu Wei left the room with a step.
The peak of the room was cold and stood up and looked at Qi and asked, "What did you mean by shaking your head at him just now?"
"You can interpret it as anything you want," Qi replied flatly.
Gao Feng grabbed Qi Boling and said grimly, "I told you not to play tricks with me. Why don’t you have a long memory!"
March pushed the peak and suddenly replied with a tough attitude, "You put your position clearly. You are a messenger! I’m not satisfied with this job. Can Sha Yong replace you in minutes? !”
Peak dazed a "you dare to threaten me? !”
"You know best whether Sha Yong is interested in this matter or not!" Qi calmly looked at him and replied, "You should delay him at this time and think about your field!"
When Gao Feng heard this, he slowly loosened his hand. "You will turn me against the army!"
"Everyone is human. You respect me and I respect you." Qi sat in the chair and bowed his head and replied, "I have to die if I can’t do something well, but you can’t do it well, right?"
Gao Feng touched his head and walked around the house, then directly changed the subject and asked, "Is this person reliable? If he turned around and stabbed Qin Yu, we would be in danger. "
Qi looked up at him. "I feel reliable. I talked with him a lot on the way to the fifth district to do things. He was also dissatisfied with his present situation in Tiancheng. He was counterproductive in his heart, and there was no suitable opportunity and no suitable person to contact him."
Gao Feng glanced at Qi immediately and said, "This place can’t stay. We have to leave!"
About three hours later.
An officer walked into Sha Yong’s office with a document in his hand and said, "Check it out."
"Just read it," replied Sha Yong, taking the teacup.
The officer read the information lightly. "Liu Wei was 26 years old and was naturalized in Songjiang four years ago. He had two criminal records. After he was released from prison for the second time, he was introduced to start a drug trafficking business. Later, he met Liu Shu and became the backbone of the drug trafficking team. He did go to the fifth district with Ma Laoer."
After thinking about it, Sha Yong asked, "Is it true that Gao Feng called and said that he and Ma Lao’s second-hand treasure army entered Tiancheng at the same time?"
"I confirmed the news that he was almost the same as when Baojun joined Tiancheng." The officer nodded and answered.
"Does this Liu Wei still have a family?"
"Without him, it was a thunder outside the district." The officer shook his head and said, "Both criminal records were reduced because his accomplices spent money on transportation after being arrested for robbery in Songjiang."
"Has this Liu Wei appeared in Songjiang recently?" Sha Yong asked again
"I asked a lot of people on the ground," the officer replied softly. "He went back to Songjiang once after the incident in the fifth district and then disappeared."
"It’s right to arrive then," said Sha Yong, putting a teacup and looking up at the officer. "You send me the photo of Liu Wei."
Twenty minutes later.
Gao Feng received Sha Yong’s newsletter and saw Liu Wei’s photo, which was a little relieved.