

1. **清热解毒**:菊花具有清热解毒的功效,对于容易上火、口腔溃疡、喉咙发炎等症状有缓解作用。

2. **缓解视疲劳**:菊花含有丰富的维生素A,有助于维护眼睛健康,对于缓解视疲劳、改善视力模糊有积极作用。


3. **辅助降压**:菊花茶中的黄酮类物质可以扩张血管,对高血压患者有一定的辅助降压作用。

4. **美容养颜**:菊花中的氨基酸、黄酮类物质、维生素和多种微量元素有助于消除自由基,补充身体所需养分,延缓衰老,具有抗氧化作用。

5. **保护肝脏**:菊花有助于平肝明目,对于肝火旺盛、用眼过度引起的双眼干涩有疗效。


6. **改善睡眠**:菊花茶有助于改善睡眠质量,减少夜间做梦的情况。

7. **润肠通便**:菊花茶具有一定的通便作用,有助于缓解便秘。

8. **抗炎抗菌**:菊花中的菊甙、腺嘌呤等成分对多种细菌和病毒有抑制作用。



1. **疏通气血**:莲花茶具有疏通气血的作用,有助于改善血液循环,促进身体内部气血的畅通。

2. **去腻消脂**:莲花茶可以消除体内多余的油脂,对于减肥瘦身有一定的帮助。


3. **排毒养颜**:每天饮用莲花茶可以帮助身体排除毒素和垃圾,从而达到美容养颜的效果。

4. **促进消化**:莲花茶有助于促进肠胃蠕动,增强消化功能。

5. **平肝降压**:莲花茶具有平肝、降压的功效,适合有血压高问题的人群饮用。

6. **降脂轻身**:对于脾虚湿阻型肥胖症,莲花茶具有降脂、轻身的作用。

7. **润肠通便**:莲花茶能帮助润肠通便,适合便秘人群饮用。

8. **清热解暑**:莲花茶具有清热解暑的作用,适合夏季饮用。

9. **辅助治疗**:莲花茶对于肠炎、咽喉炎、乳腺炎等疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。


10. **补充水分**:莲花茶可以补充水分,防止因体液流失过快引起的中暑。

11. **增强体质**:莲花茶富含多种营养成分,如花粉、维生素、氨基酸、微量元素等,有助于增强体质,强化新陈代谢。

12. **防癌抗癌**:莲花茶中含有的某些成分具有防癌、抗癌的作用。

13. **美容护肤**:莲花茶中的花瓣和花蕊底部的一些晶状物质,对于美容护肤也有一定的帮助。



### 灵芝的功效:


1. **调节血脂**:灵芝有助于降低血液中的胆固醇、脂蛋白和甘油三酯,预防动脉粥样硬化斑块的形成,对于已形成的斑块有降低胆固醇含量的作用,软化血管,防止血管损伤。

2. **保肝解毒**:灵芝对多种理化及生物因素引起的肝损伤有保护作用,可以减轻肝损伤,改善慢性肝炎患者的症状,如头晕、乏力、恶心、肝区不适等,有助于肝功能的恢复。

3. **增强免疫功能**:灵芝能够显著提高人体的免疫功能,增强机体自身的抗癌能力,是免疫功能调节和激活剂。

4. **抗肿瘤**:灵芝中的多糖和生物碱等成分具有抗肿瘤作用,能够抑制肿瘤的生长和转移。


5. **延缓衰老**:灵芝中的锗成分能够增强人体血液吸收氧的能力,促进新陈代谢,延缓衰老。

6. **改善皮肤状况**:灵芝具有增强皮肤修护功能的作用,可用于改善慢性病所致的面色黄萎和气血不足引起的面部光泽等问题。

7. **控制血糖**:灵芝能够提升血液中的胰岛素浓度,加速糖类在肝脏中的代谢速度,有助于控制血糖,预防糖尿病。

8. **抗炎镇痛**:灵芝中的生物碱具有抗炎镇痛作用。

9. **抗过敏、降血压及血脂**:灵芝具有抗过敏作用,并能降低血液黏滞度,稳定血压,降低胆固醇。

### 灵芝的禁忌:

1. **孕妇忌用**:灵芝的滋补功效较强,可能诱发流产,因此孕妇不宜服用。

2. **过敏体质者**:有极少数人对灵芝过敏,这类人不宜食用。

3. **手术前后一周内**:手术前后的病人不宜使用灵芝。

4. **大出血病人**:正在大出血的病人不宜使用灵芝。

5. **疗效时间较晚**:灵芝的药效时间较晚,一般在服用后3-5天起效,少数人可能需10多天后起效,个别病人可能需要30-60天才起效。

6. **与其他食品、药品的相互作用**:目前尚无明确研究证明灵芝与其他食品、药品的相互作用,但为安全起见,建议在服用灵芝的同时,避免与其他药品同时使用。



1. **养肝明目**:胡萝卜中含有丰富的β-胡萝卜素,这种物质在人体内可以转化为维生素A,有助于维护和改善视力,同时对肝脏也有保护作用。


2. **提高免疫力**:胡萝卜富含多种维生素和矿物质,如维生素C、维生素K和钾等,这些营养素有助于增强人体的免疫力。

3. **促进生长发育**:胡萝卜含有丰富的钙和磷,对于骨骼和牙齿的生长发育以及维持正常的生理功能具有重要意义。

4. **抗氧化作用**:胡萝卜中的抗氧化物质,如β-胡萝卜素、维生素C和E等,可以帮助抵抗自由基,延缓衰老过程。

5. **调节血糖**:胡萝卜中的膳食纤维有助于调节血糖水平,对糖尿病患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

6. **促进消化**:胡萝卜中的膳食纤维能够促进肠道蠕动,有助于消化系统的健康。

7. **解毒作用**:胡萝卜中的β-胡萝卜素能够与体内的汞离子结合,帮助排出体内的重金属毒素,具有解毒作用。

8. **保护心血管健康**:胡萝卜中的营养素有助于降低胆固醇,保护心血管健康。

9. **抗炎作用**:胡萝卜中的某些成分具有抗炎作用,可以缓解炎症症状。

10. **减肥辅助**:胡萝卜低热量且富含纤维,有助于增加饱腹感,可以作为减肥期间的理想食品。




1. **保护心血管**:滕茶中含有丰富的茶多酚,这种成分能够清除人体内的自由基,有助于调节血脂、降低血压、软化血管,从而有效保护心血管健康。

2. **清热解毒**:滕茶中的黄酮类物质具有清热解毒、镇痛消肿的功效,对于肝火旺盛、咽喉肿痛等症状有很好的缓解作用。

3. **抗菌消炎**:滕茶中的矿物质和其他成分具有抑制细菌、消炎杀菌的作用,对于口腔上消化道感染、口腔炎等有一定的治疗效果。

4. **保护心脑**:滕茶有助于抑制血小板的凝集,从而对心脏和大脑的保护起到积极作用。

5. **增强体质**:滕茶含有丰富的氨基酸、维生素、黄酮等营养元素,这些成分对人体健康至关重要,能够增强体质,提高免疫力。


6. **抗衰老**:滕茶中的多种营养元素具有抗衰老的作用,有助于保持肌肤年轻和健康。

7. **改善睡眠**:对于睡眠质量不高的人群,滕茶可以改善睡眠质量。

8. **调节肠胃**:适量饮用滕茶,可以缓解肠胃的消化与蠕动,清洗肠胃,有助于缓解腹泻、腹痛等症状。

9. **促进消化**:滕茶能够促进消化,对于消化不良有一定的改善作用。

10. **美容养颜**:滕茶中的营养成分有助于美容养颜,保持皮肤健康。




### 益处:

1. **清热解毒**:凉瓜性寒,能够有效清除心火,改善心中烦热,并排除体内毒素,对于心火旺盛者尤其有益。

2. **降血糖**:凉瓜中含有的苦瓜甙和类似胰岛素的物质,有助于降低血糖,对于糖尿病患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

3. **增进食欲**:苦瓜中的苦味素和生物碱类物质如奎宁,能健脾开胃,增进食欲。

4. **促进新陈代谢**:凉瓜能加快身体新陈代谢,有助于排除体内多余代谢物,维持电解质平衡。

5. **润肠通便**:凉瓜可以促进肠道蠕动,缓解消化不良和便秘。

6. **美容养颜**:凉瓜内含的维生素成分有助于抑制皮肤黑色素的形成,具有美白护肤效果。

7. **抗癌作用**:凉瓜中的有效成分能够抑制正常细胞的癌变,并促进突变细胞的复原。


8. **减肥作用**:苦瓜被誉为“脂肪杀手”,有助于减肥。

9. **降血压、降血脂**:凉瓜具有降血压、降血脂的作用,对心血管健康有益。

### 影响:


1. **对消化系统的影响**:由于凉瓜性寒,脾胃虚寒者过量食用可能会引起胃痛、腹泻等不适。

2. **对血糖的影响**:虽然对糖尿病患者有益,但正常血糖水平者过量食用可能会引起血糖过低。

3. **对肾脏的影响**:长期大量食用苦瓜可能会增加肾脏负担。

4. **对肝脏的影响**:苦瓜中的某些成分可能对肝脏有保护作用,但也可能对肝功能不佳者产生不良影响。


This is just a part of the "life and death dependence" energy that the dead crow gets when she is promoted because of Mu Jing’s strong desire to survive and fear death.

Can rob the vitality of the surrounding creatures to repair their own injuries when seriously injured.
"Go back and look for the fairy and the charm."
Amara stood up with a knife and stared at the dead crow’s hand behind him and said
"I’ll come to you when I behead this beast."
Four people also know that if they stay here, they will become a dead crow to recover from injury.
"It’s a general!"
Don’t bother to intervene. You should drag the summer rain and drill into the forest.
"But a flat-haired beast will be able to hurt you and kill you!"
On sale, I saw that I didn’t care about it, but I rushed at the long Dao again.
Although this crow is extraordinary, it is biased after all.
All the abilities are there, and there are not many powerful means of attack
Mu Jing is soft, but she is a little too persistent about this idea of life and death
However, it is difficult to judge people easily.
Who can really face life and death?
The world is always easier said than done, and when it comes to truth, it is whiter than one, but when it comes to doing it, it is not as good as one.
It’s always important to meet someone at the last moment. Although Mu Jingrou is afraid of death, he has never buried his heart.
God’s policy of saving the country and cutting the raven remains to be continued …
Chapter two hundred and thirty Sword lock
If Guo Ning’s current realm is calibrated by level, it is also at the top level of hero level 9.
If you find your own way, you can break through
For him, it is to find a way to break through his Ministry.
If he can accumulate merits in the future, he will be able to follow suit when he thoroughly refines the seal of Longshan
And the purple Xuan reality realm, no matter how high it is, will not be higher than him.
It is impossible to compare with Zhang Tiejian.
There are some things that can make him agree with the real person.
However, Lingqing has also given up on this.
That flaming butterfly is Zhu Guangqi’s own practice.
His precious flame can refine everything into his own flavor.
Therefore, this flame butterfly is also generally able to emit a light treasure flame.
In addition, it can gather and disperse from the heart like a flame.
"Well, now all the operators have been sent out. Let’s close this green house first."
Lingqing ordered after listening to what Guo Ning said and asking him to eat some Lingguo.
"Specific in the future also don’t stay in this limelight after the news in the abode of fairies and immortals to say again"

"At present, although I still have a certain gap in Qing Di, I don’t know if there is any basis for Ge’s assertion that I will fail?"

"You know this question better than I do!"
"In my heart?"
"You don’t know how to beat Qing Di if you don’t have the slightest belief in winning. It’s like a river. If you can’t cross it in your heart, you can’t think of a way to cross it. In this case, even if you have a beautiful scenery opposite, you can enjoy it!"
"Winning belief" Gu Qing hesitated for a moment and shook his head slightly. "Confidence comes from strength. If it is a root battle, there is no chance of winning. Even if I really fight with winning belief, the final result will not change at all!"
"This is what you really think in your heart. I conclude that even if you practice for a thousand years, a hundred thousand years and a million years, you still can’t have the slightest chance of winning because the two of you have too much mood improvement!"
"Are you in a state of mind?"
What does Guqing naturally mean by mental cultivation in front of men’s eyes? In fact, after he lost his meaning, his mental cultivation of other Taoist realms became gone forever, even if he had accompanied him from the airway to the Shinto and the Shinto.
Now his strength is enough, but his mood has fallen to an unprecedented low point, because he often feels confused and can’t recognize his inner world in battle.
"You chose the wrong direction. The key to fighting in Qing Di is not cultivation, Taoist contest, but mental contest. Since you two are divided into primary and secondary, if you want to cultivate and fight against Qing Di, isn’t it putting the cart before the horse?"
"You mean …"
"The mood should be strong enough for you to shake your will by Qing Di’s great magical power at that time!"
As soon as the owner of the washed virtual sword museum wakes up, a new road suddenly stretches out in front of him.
Didn’t Qing Di always regard him as a demon? What is the purpose of the demon’s birth? It is to control the living things and turn them into themselves. The main source of the demon’s power is not the strength of the earth. For the demon, the strength is to help him to be truly powerful, whether it is the will or the state of mind!
If he can defeat Qing Di in spirit, in will and in mind, even if Qing Di has the magical power of the earth, even if he cultivates the holy road in one breath, triple holy road, quadruple holy road, five sacred roads, extremely sacred road and nine sacred roads …
So what?
I can’t get rid of my demons. He marries others for everything!
When I read this ancient blue mind, I suddenly came here with all kinds of confusion in my heart. It broke away for thousands of years, and the heavy burden on my heart was abrupt and disappeared. It seemed that I suddenly recognized the direction of uniting, and my eyes were shining with clear divine light!
Just as the owner of the Chongxu Sword Museum said, he just tried to cross the river when he thought he couldn’t cross the river and didn’t go to the waves, but now there is a clear direction for his efforts-
Build a boat and cross the river!
"state of mind?"
Asked these four words, Guqing’s tone and mental outlook have changed greatly compared with before.
The young man seemed to ponder for a moment before he debuted again. "I may not talk about the qualification of mood in vain, but according to my understanding and exploration over the years, I can vaguely sense that the mood should be divided into three realms!"
"In its first realm, the strong state recognizes that it has cut through all the confusion and obstacles in its heart. The concise state of mind is like a leisure sword, which can overcome difficulties and break the obstacles, fear and fear, and the will to live and die."
"Fear of fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear and
Mouth chanting these words GuQing heart suddenly associated with the star in front of the palace he Qing Di world war I!
Isn’t it true that Qing Di was so powerful in front of him at that time? In theory, waiting for the enemy to come in front of him is like a native tile dog nullifying the promotion of the Holy Road. It is also a small whetstone that flies into the sky. The will to fight is even more important. The master of the palace, Yun Xinghe, Penglai Fairy Road, Qingrou Fairy Emperor and other great Luo Jing shocked and gave birth to a fear from the depths of their hearts. Some of them even gave birth to the idea of giving their ancestral doors to surrender to Qing Di!
That kind of hegemony, that kind of domineering, that kind of arrogance, that the world and the world are bound by the strong will is the portrayal of the strong state of mind!
"Even Qing Di, a master with such a strong will to fight, actually stays in the initial stage …" Gu Qing secretly shocked and digested the strong state of mind for a moment before asking again, "What is the second state of mind?"
"Prosperity is exhausted to the truth. Everything in heaven and earth is created by clouds. When all the dust is exhausted and left in the heart, there is a word’ true’ that is exported as a truth, and the truth is manifested in the truth, that is, the truth of heaven and earth is the law of all things."
"Mind evolves the law of everything … is this … heaven?"
There is also a heaven. Only with such power can his every move represent truth, truth, truth and truth …
"Returning to the Truth" Everyone has different definitions of "truth" in their hearts. There is an old saying that seeing mountains is not seeing mountains, but seeing mountains or seeing mountains has run through a "true" meaning. The so-called truth is not heaven, and the so-called reason is not heaven, so humble creatures can also have the ability to understand all this. Gu Qing, you and Qing Di are integrated, regardless of each other. If you can see through the "true" artistic conception and return to the true self, Qing Di will threaten you again. "
GuQing frowned slightly!
"true me?"
This realm seems to be much easier to achieve than the first one, but after carefully thinking about it, he found that the truth hidden behind the word’ truth’ has been detached from the level he can understand. It seems that the level is within reach, and it seems that there is a tendency to get lost in it.
I don’t know how long it took before a slight cry rang in Guqing’s ear!
"GuQingGe GuQingGe …"
Caught in that lost state, Gu Qing suddenly shook his eyes and immediately became clear, and his mind instantly returned to its place!
However, when he came to his senses, he found that now he had left the spiritual world, and he was in a courtyard. The celestial kingdom was stirring all around again, and it was like that strange and mysterious spiritual world trip just now was like a dream.
"GuQingGe are you awake?"
Gu Qing took one look along the direction of sound, and saw that Lin Xue woman was shouting softly.
"Just now …"
Lin Xue knew what he wanted to ask and smiled gently. "It’s not just that three days have passed. Guqingge has been meditating for three days."
"Three days" GuQing tiny one zheng in his induction points but in the past moment.
"Where is the main pavilion of your library?"
"naturally left"
"Gone …"
Although there has been some speculation in my heart, I still feel a little sorry to hear Lin Xue say this with my own ears. "At present, I can’t understand the first realm of the three realms of mind, but I have a feeling of being lost in it when I understand the second realm … I really don’t know that the third realm is so mysterious!"
"I don’t know what the third realm of mind cultivation is, but I have heard my brother say that after I really understand what the third realm of mind is, nothing in the whole world will be able to accommodate us and nothing will be able to restrain us. Only when we realize the true meaning can we be truly free and restrained!"
"Really free and restrained?" Associated with the second state of mind, it is comparable to the law of heaven. Guqing’s heart suddenly moved. "Is the third state of mind corresponding to the level of repair? Powerful way to be able to indulge in the sky and everything in the universe … "
Lin Xue shook his head. "I don’t know this."
Guqing thoughtfully sort out everything he heard today in his mind, and vaguely have an outline in his heart. "Qing Di … his state of mind should be in the first realm of the strong … no! No! In ordinary times, Qing Di’s state of mind is really only in the first state of mind, but his single-minded state of mind is too strong. With the single-minded state of mind, he will abandon all the prosperous things and turn all the things in the world into dust, so that his state of mind can be upgraded to the second state of mind-returning to the true state! "
Think of this GuQing eyebrows a wrinkly immediately "Qing Di fix in my mood and can temporarily rise to the second realm through the strength of one mind and one mind-everything to the truth. In this case, if I want to incarnate demons better than Qing Di, I must realize the true meaning of the third state of mind …"
Listen to GuQing words Lin Xue slightly shook his head!
"What should incarnate demons over Qing Di?"
"When you really understand the state of mind and cultivate the third realm, you won’t need to fight with others!"

Chen Qi’s hands are pressed, and then another fire dragon burns wild, and two fire dragons are sent out together. Huang Shigong just came out and wanted to drink and scold, and then he acted again. When he saw Chen Qi’s fire dragon burning wild, he suddenly doubled it, and even released two blows to detain his heart and hair. He shrank to the ground and cast a spell to avoid fighting.

Although the fire dragon burns wild power, it is not as powerful as the earth dragon, but it can drill into the ground and fear the soil and gravel. Chen Qi did his best to make a quick decision. At that time, he couldn’t stop. Two fire dragons were blasted together in the place where Huang Shigong was hiding, and the ground was blasted out. Six or seven feet, one foot, three or four feet deep, a pit in Fiona Fang.
Although Huang Shigong fled fast, but the ground was also hard-blasted by two fire dragons, which shook his external protective ShaQi, causing some disorder. The old monster’s heart was cold and I thought, "How did this little thief’s mana become so severe?" A few days ago, I saw that he was so capable of fighting with others. "
Chen Qi couldn’t do magic and refused to have the slightest hesitation when he saw this old demon running away. Then he transformed himself into a flamingo and flew away for a moment. Chen Qifang went to Luan Xi Sable Snow, and then the Taihu Lake demon and Liao Jin appeared nearby, but they all rode the black wind and rolled in, but they didn’t let Chen Qi’s flamingo fly quickly and watched the flamingo fly higher and higher.
Sable snow held down the sword of love and her face was full of distress. She glanced at the same face, and Luan Xi suddenly smiled and said, "Sister Luan Xi, how many shock waves do you have?" Don’t chase him? "
Luan Xi’s heart was annoyed and said faintly, "I don’t know which of us is older. Don’t yell at my sister. You don’t chase him even if you have a sword?"
Sable Snow chuckled, "I cut my love sword. A few days ago, I asked my master’s elders about it. Only then did I know that the Great Kongoji King Kong Pagoda in the Western Regions was stranded in Dou Liang County and I didn’t know how to get it in his hand."
Luan Xi’s face changed and he took a deep look at Sable Snow for a long time before he said in an ethereal tone without any emotion, "In that case, why don’t we take this little thief as the winner and see who wins? Another person will walk in the Jianghu in the future and stay away, and the struggle between our two families will be uncovered."
Sable snow eyes turn really makes people say no love. Compared with Luan Xi, she is always a bully, which seems to be more attractive. However, this indifferent girl’s mind is as cunning and a little more unreasonable and unruly than Luan Xi, which often makes people lose.
She smiled gently. "Sister Luan Xi looks older than me regardless of her age …"
Luan Xi couldn’t help cursing, "Road flyovers are always so shameless."
Sable Xue ignored her and said to herself, "You want to have a fight with me to see who can catch this little thief first. It depends on you and me. Why don’t you bet on one more lottery?"
Luan Xi couldn’t help crying, "Are you so confident that you can beat me?"
Chapter one hundred and four Fuyang beggar
Sable Snow smiled and smiled, but her face was full of piety and confidence. She said lightly, "In this declining era of the last law, if you can’t even make this challenge, you can break through what your predecessors have achieved, and you can’t practice until you tell the truth."
Luan Xi’s face turned slightly lower and cried, "Do you want to be a real fairy, too?"
Sable snow’s eyes are shining brightly, staring at Luan Xi, and there is no doubt in her eyes that she is firm and says, "Don’t say you don’t want to Luan Xi!" After all, you and I are fellow travelers. Sooner or later, one of us will become another stepping stone in this road. Let’s decide the outcome first. "
Luan Xi took a deep breath and immediately stabilized all emotions without any emotion and replied, "That’s as you wish. What are you going to bet with me?"
Sable snow smiled gently and said, "This is it …"
Sable snow element flew out with a small bell in her hand, and Luan Xi saw that her face changed greatly and shouted, "Forgetting the truth is also coveting the secret library of a true religion!"
Sable Snow put this little bell away again and smiled at Luan Xi. "I know that the secret library of the Thirteen True Clans has been missing for a long time, but although these thirteen ancient doors have lost their brothers, they are not ordinary people who can get into the True Clan. In those days, there were four guardian mountain gate arrays where the Clan was located, and five golden bells could be broken. My master sacrificed and refined this instrument to let me explore the opportunity. I will bet this five golden bells for you to extinguish the feelings. The secret map of the General altar of the True Clan is like?"
Luan Xi’s face changed several times and finally he nodded slightly to a good one.
Sable Snow pricked up her little hand, and Luan Xi gritted her teeth and hit three palms with Sable Snow, then turned around and left.
Sable snow saw Luan Xi go without a shadow, and then she smiled sweetly, mastered the sword of love and stabbed Tianyu …
Chen Qi has changed. The flamingo flies a hundred miles, bears a love, and mink snow trip each other. The Taihu Lake demon and Liao Jin and others don’t think twice as fast as he flies. The little thief flips his wings and turns himself into a human again. Although the flamingo is not as fast as some spiritual birds, its endurance ranks first among many ancient birds. Although Chen Qi hasn’t transferred all the orifices to seventy-two fire orifices, he is now extraordinary in entering the country. If he can fly a hundred miles, he will be embarrassed and try his best to fly for two or three hours, and the journey will not be a thousand miles.
It is Chen Qi who wants to kill all these "enemies" and win the JingXie needed for cultivation. This is not far away.
After the thief landed head first, he thought to himself, "I didn’t expect other people besides Luan Xi Sable Snow, Tai Lake Demon Liao Jin Cang Lang Shrine to spy on me. If I’m not lucky, I’ll be in some danger this time. If more people come … I won’t be stubborn with them."
Chen Qi’s thoughts communicate with his own ravens briefly. Through the eyes of 57 ravens, a picture is constructed at the bottom of my heart, which reproduces the hundreds of miles of Fiona Fang’s situation in the sea of knowledge
In this picture, Cang Lang’s god’s castration pole, the punishment of Yueying and their hand movements can’t be concealed. The Taihu demon and Liao Jin’s hand demon soldiers are divided into two groups of black gas, which is caused by the two big demons, Huang Jing Shan Jun and Liao Jin, to protect themselves and their figures.
Luan Xi and Hou Dongchen each have their own strange escape methods, so Chen Qi can’t see that they have mastered the sword of love, but the sword of love is strong and firm. In the process of building this picture by Chen Qi through fifty-seven flamingos, it is like a round of blooming hundreds of millions of swords, which makes people dare not stare at Huang Shigong and his magic. Chen Qi can accidentally detect that this person has not gone far through the changes in the ground soil.
This picture is not a spell, but a sudden gain in Chen Qiyi.
Chen Qizheng thought in silence that suddenly there was a yellow wind rolling on the edge of this picture, and Chen Qizhen was slightly surprised to put the three fire crows in one place to make the yellow wind clear. Soon, a fat, fat and wretched old man emerged from the ground and stopped in front of the yellow wind.
Huang Shigong looked rather ugly and shouted, "Brother Jiu Gang, why are you here?"
That yellow wind is the big demon pig. He smiled and replied, "Why can’t I come?"? Brother hasn’t seen his skill for a long time, but he hasn’t made any progress in trade. Aren’t you afraid that my old pig will swallow you up? "
Although Huang Shigong knew that Pig Jiugang was just a bluff, he couldn’t help but be taken aback. He flinched and immediately roared angrily, "Pig Jiugang didn’t want you to do this to my master if you got the mantle of master. Sooner or later, you have to hand it over and want it all to yourself!"
Pig nine gang ha ha smiled and said, "I heard that my senior brother defected to the White Deer King, but the White Deer King’s mana was at the bottom of the 19 major kou, but he was afraid of repairing the seven realms before my senior brother told me that it was so bad. Aren’t you afraid of my whole black hand?" Your backer is unreliable! "
Huang Shigong said in horror, "Did you cultivate the bentonite to the seventh floor?"
Pig Jiugang shook his head and said, "Higher!"
Huang Shigong’s face was ugly and he cried, "It must be the first floor!"
Pig Jiugang grimaced, "Higher!"
After listening to this sentence, Huang Shigong refused to guess any more, plunged into the ground with a full meal and left directly, and refused to lose face again.
Pig nine gang ha ha a smile still set up a yellow wind smoke rolling to the center of the picture scroll in Chen Qi’s chest, and Chen Qilai was still hesitant to see that this big demon also appeared and never hesitated again. "Monsters from all walks of life flocked to me, and it was difficult for me to struggle with them by myself at this time." Thought of here, Chen Qi recalled all the fire crows and changed them again, and the fire crows flew in a straight line with their wings.
Chen Qi has been able to fly very far now, and he deliberately got some fancy things to fly halfway and fell to the ground. It is time to change direction step by step, and the lotus is full of feet. So many times, when Chen Qi released all the fire crows, he checked that there were no traces of the tracker around him.
Even so, Chen Qi still doesn’t trust his heart to say, "If you run away, you will run away …" So you still have to catch up with him all the way. The fire crow array has been repaired well, and you can fly thousands of miles in a day. After more than ten days, Chen Qi himself doesn’t know where it is.
Chen Qi thought it was far enough to escape, so he thought it would be safer. He had mastered the whole body orifices, but changing his body meant that changing his physical appearance would have some damage to his skill. Therefore, in general, a big demon is rarely willing to bear the consequences of skill retrogression after becoming an adult, so that his appearance will change again. However, many female monsters and godsworn will make some efforts to decorate his appearance.
Chen Qi changed his facial features to make himself more handsome. It was very little damage to his skill. After changing his appearance, he robbed a beggar outside a lonely village. He stripped the beggar naked and changed his clothes into a beggar costume. Only then did he feel at ease and boldly sneak into a passing male city.
Although he changed direction several times, he still flew all the way to the south, so the climate was getting warmer. After more than ten days of fleeing, Chen Qi had crossed several States and reached the southernmost boundary of Yangzhou. He chose this city as the largest city in Yangzhou, and it was called Fuyangfu.
Fuyangfu is not only the largest city in Yangzhou, but also the largest city in Kyushu. Although it is slightly less majestic than the imperial city of Dayun Dynasty, the capital of Yunzhou, the rich place is still full of merchants. Many days, the rich people gathered in Fuyangfu.
Chen Qi’s geography is unfamiliar, and he doesn’t know where he flew all the way, or he didn’t know that he had come to Yangzhou to treat Fuyang House until he went to town.
Fuyangfu is more magnificent than Chen Qi’s ever seen ideal city. This little thief has never seen any great city. At most, he has seen Dou Liang County’s acceptance of Poyang House. Poyang House is still a first-class city in Dou Liang County. It is nothing in the whole Yanzhou area. Is it more rich than Fuyangfu?
Chen Qi’s beggar costume looked very unbearable before he walked into Fuyang House. It didn’t take long for six or seven well-intentioned people to throw him thirty or fifty coppers. Some people even gave him a bowl of good white rice. The little thief had been out of the way in a poor village for a long time. Seeing that Fuyang House was full of peace and war, the highest building had twenty or thirty floors and streets crisscrossed. I don’t know how many of them were dazzled for a while.
Chen Qi walked around Fuyang Mansion all afternoon, only to find a shady place to sit, but there happened to be two beggars talking loudly.
A beggar looks pale and quite readable, and his mouth is foaming at the mouth. It is said plausibly that "the bodhi old zu in Tianhe is a powerful Taoist, needless to say …"

The iron-crowned old man said, "If you give Mo enough growth in time, you may not be able to compete with Emperor Wudi in the future."

"Come on, let’s get some presents and we can leave."
The iron-crowned old man put away his invitation and looked at the distance. There was a glimmer of expectation in his eyes and whispered, "I hope I can have a chance to meet the Emperor Wu of Huang this time …"
In less than a day, a group of people led by the iron-crowned elders and the fat and thin elders have arrived in Kunpeng.
Although the successive wars between Kunpeng and the Second World have consumed a lot, it is still a super world after all.
And after the merger of the two interfaces, the strength is stronger and the territory has expanded several times in the past!
Before the sword world arrived, there were already many interface strong people present in the blood ape world, dragon world, phoenix tree world, flower world and light world …
Even some interfaces are personally congratulated by the industry leader.
In fact, even if the world of Kunpeng merges with the world of Kunpeng, there is not such a big face.
Many world leaders came to congratulate mainly because they heard that Kun Peng’s world leader was the younger brother of Emperor Wu of the Wilderness!
Moreover, these strong men also want to take this opportunity to meet the Emperor Wudi of the Wild and the Demon Emperor of the Blood Butterfly.
"What, they’re not here?"
Iron crown old man asked.
The main road in the Kun world is "their immortal couple traveled around and sent Xiaoyao back, and they couldn’t stay without us for a long time."
"Xiaoyao, come and meet several predecessors in the sword world."
The Lord of Kun boundary called.
Xiaoyao salutes with Mulian.
Compared with this time, the carefree temperament has changed a lot, and many of them already have some less dominant attitudes.
However, after seeing the snow in the North Ghost, I recovered my clever appearance and pulled Mulian forward and shouted with a smile, "Teacher Sister …"
"Where’s the master?"
North ghost snow voice asked
"You mean …"
Xiaoyao soon understood, "Master and Teacher Niang seem to have gone to the witch world."
Chapter three thousand and ninety-six Patriarch moves
Witch world
Blood, corpses, broken halberds, broken arrow … It’s devastated and ruined everywhere, and it’s lifeless after the war.
After more than 100 interfaces, such as Wutong World and Dragon World, the witch world has been completely destroyed. Even if you get lucky, some witches will have fled.
I can’t even see a figure in such a vast territory
Virtual crack two figure arrival look around.
"What did you find?"
Butterfly month asked
Wu Daozun scattered his eyes for a long time before shaking his head.
Wu Daozun, who learned the news of the one-day demise of the witch world in Kunpeng, found that it was abnormal and asked the master and others of Wutong to ask about it.
Although he killed more than 30 emperors, such as the wizard Lord, nine emperors escaped.
Moreover, Wu Daozun was stepping on other territories in the witch world, and he didn’t search them.
After all, the witch world is a super world, and it is possible that there are hidden kings in other territories.
What’s more, there are a large number of witch kings, and it is still difficult for them to destroy the whole witch world in one day.
After all, dragons and phoenixes have fought for thousands of years, and the dragon kingdom has never been destroyed.
Then I got an important message from the owner and others in the indus industry.