
1. **药用价值**:
– **燥湿化痰**:陈皮中含有橙皮甙、类柠檬苦素、挥发油等成分,具有燥湿化痰的功效,适用于治疗咳嗽、痰多等症状。
– **理气和中**:陈皮能理气健脾,对于脾胃气滞、脘腹胀闷、恶心呕吐等有很好的缓解作用。
– **健胃消食**:陈皮能促进消化,对于食欲不振、消化不良有一定的改善作用。
– **解鱼腥毒**:陈皮具有解鱼腥毒的功效,烹饪时加入陈皮可以去除鱼腥味,提升食物口感。

2. **保健作用**:
– **增强免疫力**:陈皮中的多种成分能增强人体免疫力,预防感冒。
– **抗氧化**:陈皮中的维生素C、类黄酮等成分具有抗氧化作用,有助于延缓衰老。
– **改善睡眠**:陈皮具有安神的作用,有助于改善睡眠质量。

3. **烹饪用途**:
– **增香提味**:陈皮九制后,口感独特,烹饪时加入少量陈皮,可以使菜肴更加鲜美可口。
– **丰富营养**:陈皮九制过程中,加入了白糖等调料,使得陈皮的营养价值得到提升。

4. **日常保健**:
– **泡茶饮用**:将陈皮九制后泡水饮用,可以缓解疲劳、提神醒脑。


– **制作点心**:陈皮九制后可制作成各种点心,如陈皮饼、陈皮糕等,既美味又具有保健作用。



### 益处:

1. **清热解毒**:凉瓜性寒,能够有效清除心火,改善心中烦热,并排除体内毒素,对于心火旺盛者尤其有益。

2. **降血糖**:凉瓜中含有的苦瓜甙和类似胰岛素的物质,有助于降低血糖,对于糖尿病患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

3. **增进食欲**:苦瓜中的苦味素和生物碱类物质如奎宁,能健脾开胃,增进食欲。

4. **促进新陈代谢**:凉瓜能加快身体新陈代谢,有助于排除体内多余代谢物,维持电解质平衡。

5. **润肠通便**:凉瓜可以促进肠道蠕动,缓解消化不良和便秘。

6. **美容养颜**:凉瓜内含的维生素成分有助于抑制皮肤黑色素的形成,具有美白护肤效果。

7. **抗癌作用**:凉瓜中的有效成分能够抑制正常细胞的癌变,并促进突变细胞的复原。


8. **减肥作用**:苦瓜被誉为“脂肪杀手”,有助于减肥。

9. **降血压、降血脂**:凉瓜具有降血压、降血脂的作用,对心血管健康有益。

### 影响:


1. **对消化系统的影响**:由于凉瓜性寒,脾胃虚寒者过量食用可能会引起胃痛、腹泻等不适。

2. **对血糖的影响**:虽然对糖尿病患者有益,但正常血糖水平者过量食用可能会引起血糖过低。

3. **对肾脏的影响**:长期大量食用苦瓜可能会增加肾脏负担。

4. **对肝脏的影响**:苦瓜中的某些成分可能对肝脏有保护作用,但也可能对肝功能不佳者产生不良影响。



1. **清肠排毒**:桑叶粉具有良好的吸附能力,能够吸附肠道中的毒素和胆固醇,减少血管内的垃圾,从而起到清肠排毒的效果。

2. **降脂**:桑叶粉含有丰富的生物碱、多糖和不饱和脂肪酸等成分,有助于降低血脂,防止动脉硬化,并且具有一定的降压作用。

3. **改善消化系统**:桑叶粉对于食欲不振、感冒、浑身无力、失眠、便秘等症状有一定的改善作用,长期饮用有助于改善消化系统的健康。

4. **美容养颜**:桑叶粉中含有的丰富营养素如水分、维生素和天然多糖,能够滋养肌肤,提高皮肤细胞活性,淡化色斑,使皮肤保持水嫩细滑。


5. **抗炎消肿**:桑叶粉中的桑叶汁对于多种细菌和酵母菌有抑制作用,具有良好的抗炎消肿作用,有助于炎症的恢复。

6. **调节三高**:对于患有高血压、高血糖、高血脂的患者,桑叶粉可以作为茶饮替代品,有助于调节血糖、血脂和血压。

7. **改善眼部健康**:桑叶粉具有清肝明目的功效,可以缓解肝阳头晕、目赤昏花等症状,对眼部健康有益。

8. **抗氧化抗衰老**:桑叶粉中含有的黄酮类化合物等抗氧化物质,有助于提高皮肤的抗衰老能力,减缓皮肤老化过程。



1. **抗肿瘤作用**:太岁被认为能够调节人体的免疫功能,增强机体对抗肿瘤的能力,从而在预防和辅助治疗肿瘤方面发挥作用。

2. **抗衰老作用**:太岁含有多种抗衰老成分,如含糖量、活性多肽等,可以促进和调节免疫功能,调节新陈代谢平衡,消除自由基,从而延缓衰老过程。

3. **提高免疫力**:太岁能够增强人体免疫系统,清除体内坏死的细胞组织,对病毒感染和病菌等微生物感染有抵抗作用。


4. **增强体质和维持代谢平衡**:食用太岁可以促进核酸和蛋白质的合成,维持身体的代谢平衡,增强体质。

5. **美容养颜**:太岁中的灵芝多糖具有拟SOD活性,可以清除自由基,阻止自由基对机体的损伤,从而起到嫩肤美白的作用。


6. **其他功效**:太岁还被用于治疗多种疾病,如癌症、胃病、咳嗽、眼病、牙病、耳部疾病、痔疮等。

7. **食品添加剂与防腐剂**:太岁体内含有高度抗腐化物质,在食品添加剂和食品防腐剂领域有重大开发价值。

8. **保健品开发**:太岁含有丰富的提高免疫力的物质,在保健品开发方面具有价值。

9. **医药开发**:从中医角度看,太岁是补品中的上品,具有重大的医药开发价值。

10. **科学研究工具**:特大型罕见粘菌复合体太岁肉灵芝是遗传学、生物化学、细胞学、生物制药等领域科学研究的理想工具。




Ten minutes later, the vampire beauty took Qin Changfeng to the depths of the castle, and occasionally met vampires all the way, but Serena walked ahead and no one doubted it.
When Serena pushed two closed doors, she saw Tanis lying on the belly of an enchanting female vampire.
This is also a wonderful vampire. In the original plot, Lucian was released for Sonia, and then successfully escaped by boat with the coffins of three elders. Later, Lucian was exiled by Victor. During the exile period, he made a deal to help him control vampire ultraviolet bombs … until he was finally killed by Marcus.
A generation has struggled in betrayal and betrayal, and life is not as good as Klein’s nourishment. At least people have been a second child.
Tanis, who was working in bed, was awakened by the noise of the door. When she looked back, she was more beautiful than Sonia, the vampire princess. Serena licked her lips and smiled. "Oh, it’s not a good habit for Miss Serena to break into other people’s bedrooms without knocking. I wonder what you want to see me about?"
At the same time, he hummed, "Oh … honey, let’s go first. Miss Serena can watch it if she wants."
Serena turned into a vampire after all, only a few months, and she was not infected with the picture in front of her eyes. She made her face slightly red and held her arms calmly. She said coldly, "Lord Tanis is not what I want to see you."
"Who’s that?" Tanis stirred up while surprised way
A man’s voice suddenly sounded, "Tanis, I want to play a game with you … I heard that vampires are very resilient. I wonder if that thing can grow back after being cut off?"
Tanis heard that the pupil suddenly enlarged, but the voice in his ear did not fall. A figure suddenly appeared from behind Serena for a moment and then appeared beside him, drawing his sword and slashing … A person immediately flew up to see the blood splashed on the bedside wall like spring water. The vampire scholar suddenly felt an unprecedented pleasure, and then his body trembled for a few seconds to restore calm, and then he felt that everything was boring.
"You choose to live or die."
"What does Ge want?" A sharp sword stands on Bottanis, dare not move, dare not withdraw from the dead female vampire.
Chapter one hundred and fifty-one Get up, werewolf!
"The key to the werewolf’s neck collar … the way to enter the elders’ sleeping place" Qin Changfeng said when he saw the mountain.
Without thinking, Tanis replied, "I can give you the key, but Victor knows how to hit me, but I can’t help you."
"So what’s the situation that Victor will tell others about the method of hitting the plane?"
"Then God knows."
Hearing this, Qin Changfeng sighed in his heart and really wanted to kill Marcus while he was sleeping. It was not as simple as I thought.
Tanis found out the key to the werewolf collar that Victor gave him to keep naked and asked nervously, "I did everything you asked. Can you let me go?"
When he spoke, he handed Qin Changfeng the key with one hand, and the other hand was covered by the long sleeves of pajamas. When Qin Changfeng went to pick up the key behind him, he suddenly hissed and showed sharp fangs. This is the vampire’s best performance, and at the same time, he hid in the sleeves and his right hand slammed forward.
This is a sharp dagger. He once tried to easily penetrate the armor of the Death Walker.
However, he saw sarcasm in the other person’s eyes when a dagger did pierce the armor but was blocked by the skin and muscles inside!
"This ….. you are …" Tanis’s eyes were full of horror and suddenly he remembered a terrible saying.
"Death is your choice"
Qin Changfeng brandished his sword and turned around. Tanis’s head fell to the ground, fearing the vampire’s powerful resilience. Whether he or the knights of the light always believed that he had killed them after cutting the vampire’s head completely.
"Let’s go," Qin Changfeng calmly said to Serena. Killing a vampire who has never been good at fighting power has no sense of accomplishment
"Where to?"
Qin Changfeng muses, "Go to Lucian first."
Serena didn’t forget to leave the door when she left, which could delay the discovery of the body.
I don’t know if it’s good luck or bad luck. As soon as they got around the corner, a man with long hair and a fangs collar just came out from the inside and saw Qin Changfeng, he immediately stared at him with his eyes bulging.
This man with messy hair and seemingly emaciated body smells tough, and his face is full of doubts. Suddenly, his face changed and he exclaimed, "Your body smells wrong …"
Qin Changfeng didn’t wait for him to say that finish. A six-meter-long staff suddenly appeared in his hand. It was close at hand. In the opposite man’s horrified eyes, the staff turned into a silver ghosting image. It took a second to smash it in his mouth and then "snow" a mouthful of broken teeth with blood gushed out!
When a man is attacked by sneak attack, he is furious on the spot, his eyes are suddenly dark and bloodthirsty, and his bones are even more creaky and cracked. Obviously, he is a werewolf and his mouth is protruding forward. Unfortunately, his neck is wearing a vampire to build a fangs collar. If he continues to transform, fangs and silver will pierce his neck and forcibly interrupt him to turn him back into a human form.
"What are you yelling at?"
Qin Changfeng smoked another stick. The werewolf raised his hand and tried to block it, but this was a false move. Qin Changfeng’s right hand suddenly pulled out his waist and sword, and the cold light flashed on his neck.

A black fog spewed out at night, and it has been hit hard.

His figure suddenly exploded into a black fog and disappeared directly.
"Hum ~ ~ ~"
Yu Guihai suddenly a cold hum nostrils spewed out two yellow Guanghua crashing into two like the essence of light in the virtual.
Soon a black fog figure was pulled out by two lights.
I went to the sea and drank a lot. Colorful Guanghua poured out and wrapped the black fog figure into a ball of light and then swallowed it with my mouth open.
Life and death start everything.
All this happened just in a short moment, and the powerful night gang was defeated and captured!
All eyes have turned to the other two people.
In the middle of the martial arts, the strong man turned pale and looked around. Anzaro wanted to make eye contact.
Only to find that Anzaro was receding in the distance. He looked at his eyes and the others were the same.
This man can’t help smiling bitterly. A clown turned out to be myself!
Chapter 1132 Infiltration, the reasons for the gathering of the three families, and the fierce Yang mission
Yu Guihai sits at the head of a secret underwater abode of fairies and immortals, all dressed in black.
These people are surrounded by light black fog, which is the fog ghost family.
Since the patriarch of the clan, a total of 14 strong people are here, and there are three or four strong people in the clan. It can be said that almost the clan of Fog Ghost has been taken.
These people can easily drive the whole fog clan to do things when they are in Yu Guihai.
However, the first thing he did was to inquire about the reasons why experts from all ethnic groups gathered in Haicheng.
"I really don’t know the details of the master’s affairs. Not only that, but according to the genus, it is speculated that other races are forced to come and help, and they should not know."
Fog ghost clan patriarch night Gang close respectfully reported.
"I see."
Yu Guihai lost in thought.
What Yegang said must be true. It is impossible to lie to him. This is the result of life and death guarantee.
So it seems that this thing should be the arrangement of the three super families.
It’s hard to say what they are going to do
"By the way, the owner got a message that this time there is no super-powerful and powerful Aikido among the floating Haicheng people. The strongest is the peak of Aikido among the major races. The strong Tongtian clan is the three elders, and the fierce Yang clan is the great protector of the Yueling clan, who has never appeared but is certainly the peak of Aikido among the Yueling clan." Yegang added.
"oh? What are the strengths of these people? " Yu Guihai asked curiously.
"These people are famous for their strength. Although they are at the top of the same road, their strength is definitely much stronger than that of our elders." The night gang combined to think about an answer.
Yu Guihai thought to himself that the strong man must be temporarily forced to face it.
But his heart is also very confused.
Although these three people are powerful, they are not beyond the level of the martial arts environment, which means that this time things are not beyond the scope of the martial arts environment and it is not worth the super power of the martial arts environment.
But what is it?
Yu Guihai thought for a while without a clue and said to Ye Gang He, "Who is the person who asked you to kill Yue Linger before the night patriarch?"
"I really can’t be sure if I have never seen this person, but I suspect that it is the strong Eldar itself. That incident should be a shackle, and the strong Eldar who came to Shanghai this time may also be this person." Yegang replied.
"Well, you go on the one hand, continue to disguise, and give me the intelligence report of the mysterious strong at any time, and try to find out the truth of the floating sea city, and help me explore the January shine." Yu Guihai ordered after thinking about it.
"I’ll wait!"
Fog ghost clan all devoting to upon immediately left the abode of fairies and immortals.
Yu Guihai meditated alone for a while and got up and conveniently erased the abode of fairies and immortals here.
Heshan Islands is an important site of the Crewe people, and the largest island here, Heshan Island, is guarded by the strong in the late period of the Hopewell Territory.
There is a huge city in the core of Heshan Island, and a tall tower rises in the city.
An old man of Crewe with tentacles looked into the distance from the top of the tower with a worried look.
He is Kemodo, the elder of the Crewe who guards this place.
Not long ago, he got the news that krum, a strong man in the late period of Tonghe Daojing, had fallen to the ground and died somewhere.
"Three holy family exactly what to do? Don’t wave to our family when the situation around us is so tense! " Kemodo sighed with anxiety.
But he can’t do anything about it. He dare not stop the holy family.
Just then a light came from a distance.
Komodo raised his slightly aged eyelids, glanced at his face and flashed a trace of love. He muttered, "Why is this little thing Krissaso here?"

Thought of here, Yu Guihai couldn’t help but be overjoyed.

However, it is urgent that he must first raise the cultivation to the palm of his hand.
On the other side of the storm sea, crossing the sea of terror is a barren land. There are barren hills and gravel everywhere, but there are no rivers and lakes, more flowers and trees, and there is no trace of green throughout the earth.
This place seems to be a wasteland, and even the aura is thin, which is even more bleak than that of Beiling Bitou.
Rumble ~ ~ ~
Suddenly there was a muffled thunder, and then a yellow sand ground directly blew out, one black and one red, and two figures were entangled with each other. Fierce fighting broke out, and the level of terror fluctuated.
Rich aura emanates from the big hole in the ground. From the hole, it can be seen that there are channels and four accesses, which seems to be a hole in the sky.
This is another super power in the spirit world, which is called the Nigen clan.
They are not a simple race, but a combination of many races, which are characterized by being born in the local area and being grotesque in length. It is simply a long story to say.
The customs of the Nigen people, the Sun, the Moon, the Stars and the Three Saints are out of place. At ordinary times, due to the isolation of the sea of terror, few communication bases are in contact with each other.
Moreover, because of the characteristics of the Nigen clan’s cultivation method, it is also regarded as an evil heresy by the Three Sages.
In addition to the alliance between the two in the ancient war against the rising forces, they have only met in the wars of various worlds for many years, and they are also wary of each other and hostile.
The ground here seems desolate. In fact, all the highlights here are in the ground. The Nigen people are all ethnic groups, and they have already inhaled the aura of heaven and earth.
There are four underground passages on the ground, which are huge compared with the underground world. The aura of these places is no less than that of the three saints. Because of the underground limitation, the aura concentration is even higher than that of the three saints.
Boom ~ ~ ~ ~
Two figures, one black and one red, met in a row in the sky and broke out in terror, which directly tore the virtual space and formed a series of terrorist virtual cracks.
Two figures in the sky suddenly touched and then showed two figures.
One of them wears a black robe and doesn’t show his face. He exudes a mysterious black aperture. There seems to be a twisted shadow in the aperture.
The other one is full of blood and pale face, and there is a bloody dagger mark between the eyebrows, which is the middle of the month.
Look at his state at this time, but he has recovered from his injury and his strength has returned to its peak.
"Ha ha ha ~ ~ ~ It seems that friends in Zhongtian Road have recovered well." The black figure laughed.
"Thank you for your help, Dragon Fan Pavilion. Otherwise, if I want to recover less, I will have a hundred years’ work." The moon is full of gratitude.
"Aye ~ ~ Taoist friends are welcome to meet Taoist friends, so it is also my honor to ask Taoist friends not to forget our agreement." The black-robed dragon fan waved his hand.
"Friends rest assured that now that I have made The Hunger vows, I will surely help friends with one arm." Zhongtian primly said in the month.
"For Taoist friends, I naturally feel at ease. Now let me help Taoist friends fulfill their wishes. Let’s go and move the large array. Taoist friends need a location to send you to the place you want to go in the spiritual world." Dragon fans laughed.
"So good!" My face lit up in the middle of the moon.
The first thing he did to recover from his injury was to go back to Yu Guihai to recapture his The Hunger Bi split.
But the sea of terror is so terrible that he won’t cross it again if there is a little way
Fortunately, the Nigen clan treasure has a function, that is, it can be delivered at a fixed point to accurately strike the spirit world and can be delivered at will.
In the middle of the month, Zhongtian did not hesitate to swear and promised to help the Nigen clan rob the fairy falling objects in exchange for a chance to send a good medicine to recover the injury.
He is going to take advantage of this opportunity to send it to Yu Guihai directly according to The Hunger Bi’s split positioning.
Yuezhongtian is very confident in this action. Although the man is a little strong, according to the results of this meeting, he is still not his opponent.
"I’ll let you know what life is worse than death this time!"
In the middle of the month, there was a flash of cold light in his eyes and a cruel smile in his mouth.
"Taoist friends must remember that I told you how to come back as soon as possible after the job is done, which will miss our business." Dragon fans then woke up meaningfully.

Fang Lin knife-shaped eyebrows a wrinkly didn’t speak flower jade eyebrow added; "Although their skills are deep, the" silver sword eleven changes "of Fang’s family are expensive because of their lightness and agility, but they are heavy and have enough opportunities to become inadequate. It is difficult to take advantage of it and refine it for 20 years, and it will always be like this!"

At this time, Xu Yu’s two rotten silver swords circled and danced like rushing thunder, and the wind was advancing.
The big man in black was angry and shouted, "Nothing to roll for me!"
Fang Lin whispered, "The black shirt Lu broadsword is going to be shot personally!" Flower jade eyebrow oh this person Wei Zhen Ji Lu two provinces hand broadsword is quite amazing attainments, his wife white Luo Cha Zhong Xiu is good at 12 kinds of hidden weapons, but it is also not easy to deal with the other three people. One is the white-headed god stick Xu Shangwu, the other is the sun and the moon hook Luo Ju, the other is the iron palm, and it is not a famous martial arts player on Wei Zhen’s side. I’m in a hurry. I’m sorry that I can’t be with you. You’d better try not to let them stop me from treating me in the past … "
Fang Lin, the silver sword’s husband, was slightly stunned and thought, "What kind of rule is it that you don’t want to tell me to do this?" However, he was so wronged in the heart that he was too bright to speak against her. When he sighed, "What will the girl say …"
Hua Yumei said, "I’ll ride alone and I’m sure they won’t stop me!"
Fang Lin said, "Although the girl is a pedant, they don’t know the details. Wouldn’t it be …"
Hua Yumei said, "Why don’t you dare them fools to stop them for a while …"
At this time, the black shirt Lu broadsword has been thrown out of the swinging broadsword and pounced on Xu Changsheng broadsword. Together with it, Xu Changsheng turned his body like a tide of sword light, and his left hand suddenly grasped Yu unbeaten’s sword. I don’t know if it is true or false, but he was willing to teach him to seize the blade and lift his arm to withdraw the sword. Three tigers and four tigers took the opportunity to jump out of the circle. These four tigers engaged in more than 30 moves and broke out in a sweat.
I don’t see the enemy fleeing unbeaten, neither chasing nor attacking. Lu broadsword sneered and walked away.
Black shirt Lu broadsword fruit is a veritable sword in his hand. It is fierce and fast, and it conjures up a piece of knife light. It turns out that it is difficult to splash water. Xu Changsheng’s swordsmanship is continuously sealed and dismantled. The momentum has been lost to the other side. However, seeing him sprint and stab the sword, it is sloppy and messy.
Then I know that the situation has changed greatly, and Lu’s broadsword is like a rainbow, but it’s a big setback at this time
They were surprised to watch the international hoof suddenly start to spend jade eyebrows and rode forward at this time.
See the horse like a green jade cut into a fine horse to carry a beautiful and charming beauty slowly across the war circle and then wear it out from the other side’s arrangement. Everyone is at a loss. So it’s good to see that the famous colt beauty has gone out two or three feet away in white. Luo Cha Zhong Xiu suddenly woke up and lost her hands, and immediately three golden-colored glyphs shot at the back of Huayu’s eyebrows.
Huayumei suddenly turned around and smiled at her. Xuangong in Sakura’s mouth breathed a sigh of relief. The three golden lights just shot in front of her, but three gold needles were as big as common embroidery needles.
White Luo Cha Zhong Xiu couldn’t see how to shoot down the three gold needles at the moment. They were so dazzling that they went two or three feet away. She hummed a plain sleeve and raised her right hand hazily, but in the shadow of the sleeve, she sent out two silver bullets and two silver lights broke out halfway. Suddenly, when she touched each other, when Ding rang, she flew straight away and turned into two arc routes, one left and one right, and shot at Huayu Mei.
These two silver bullets are heavy, so they can attack five or six feet away. If the enemy is farther away, his wrist and finger strength will not be strong enough, so he must rely on springs.
Flower jade eyebrow and turned to look for the first time to sweep Fang Lin face hands to recruit Yang jiao cried, "I’ll see you soon after you take good care of yourself …" Clothes and oil flew up with Yang gestures to pick up two silver bullets together in a beautiful and natural posture. It’s just a matter of turning around and saying goodbye to Fang Lin whisking.
Fang Lin, the husband of the silver sword, is very worried. At this time, she is both happy and surprised. Joy is that Jade Man finally looks at herself and says goodbye. Surprised that Pei is her martial arts. It is really unfathomable. You know, Luo Cha Zhong Xiu, a white weapon, has always occupied a place in the Wulin. These two silver bullets are very strange and difficult to stop, but Hua Yumei not only catches them, but also has a beautiful posture. If so, such skill attainments are really rare.
But see jade riding gradually go far away, white Luo Cha finished staring, and the rest of the people also stared at the back of the jade eyebrow, silver sword, husband and Fang Lin suddenly called a "bad" and hastily urged the horse to rush through the other side’s position and chase after the back of the jade eyebrow.
His move was unexpected, and when the other people found out, they had been rushed through by him, but no one came to stop him.
The silver sword husband Fang Lincai rushed over and the hooves rang again. White Luo Cha Zhong Xiu was silent. His hands were on the saddle and he was holding two kinds of hidden weapons ready to shoot.
Suddenly, there was a burst of white smoke, thick and dense, and it rose vigorously. In an instant, it has completely enveloped this bunch of people.
Hoof rushing across the white smoke is that Xu Changsheng is unbeaten. They borrow thick smoke to cover up and pass through the crowd, and then they urge the horse to recover from Fang Lin.
Covered by that dense smoke, all the people who have been wandering around for a long time and have rich experience are eating too much at the moment, and their minds are too deficient. Everyone holds their breath and dares not move. First, they are afraid that the enemy will drive the horses away after casting this powerful smoke bomb, and people will stay in the smoke and wait for an opportunity to plot against them. Secondly, they are afraid that their accomplices will misunderstand and cause a killing tragedy.
Therefore, everyone holds their breath and all the horses are specially trained, but they will stand still and not disturb them. If they are inexperienced and have less tricks, they will certainly follow their hooves and rush out of the smoke. At that time, it is impossible for Xu Changsheng and Yu unbeaten to walk away like this.
Peter said that Hua Yumei was walking, and when she heard the hoof eyebrows wrinkle, she gently suggested that sapphire riding would speed up.
Fang Lin, the silver sword’s husband, galloped wildly for more than 20 miles. He saw that Wang Qingcong had been driving lightly in front, and there was always a distance of ten feet. Fang Lin naturally knew that there was no hope to catch up with the sapphire, but there was a distance of ten feet. The cold wind was rushing head on, even though it was not easy to hear shouting, he was so anxious that he was sweating at this moment. I thought that if the girl named Hua hurried a little, she would lose track in a blink of an eye, and it would be hard to catch up with him all the way to the ends of the earth. The more he thought about it, the
There are several miles of flowers and jade eyebrows, and the silver sword Langjun Fang Lin has arrived to see him foaming at the mouth of the fine horse and sweating like rain. I can see that this horse is very tired.
Hua Yumei smiles appealed, "Fang Gong teaches people exquisite riding skills. If you don’t work hard, you must never be tired of this good colt. Besides, if it is a high riding skill, the horse would have run …"
Fang Lin said with his fist, "Flower Girl is knowledgeable, and even her riding skills are unique. It is a pity that this colt is so rare and excellent!"
Spend five eyebrows looking straight into his eyes and don’t talk. Fang Lin managed to force her to get back the sapphire qi, but she felt embarrassed at this time. However, she couldn’t let the atmosphere be silent and condensed. "This … this famous pony is the favorite of the black shirt Lu broadsword couple.’ Five Horses Riding’ is the same as Xu Yu’s two hard-earned’ Five Horses Riding’ …
He found that although she was listening quietly, there was a faint light of ridicule and teasing in her eyes. He really wanted to rage at her rudely, but he couldn’t do it. Fortunately, he secretly scolded himself in his heart. Not only did he dare not offend her, but he didn’t even know where he was.
Hua Wumei waited for a faint way. "If there is nothing else, I have to go. I have something urgent to do and I can’t delay any more …"
Fang Lin swallowed back BMW’s words twice and again and shouted, "Can you tell me what’s urgent, girl?"
Hua Yumei said, "I’m going to meet someone who lives in a chain of two hundred miles away …"
Fang Lin, the husband of the Silver Sword, looked greatly surprised and said, "But the serial people live in Baiyu Kiln?"
Hua Yumei seems to have known that he would be frightened to disgrace and appreciate his expression with a smug smile.
Fang Lin frowned. "The girl must know the origin of this person and his strange rules and regulations …"
Flower jade eyebrow way "of course! But you will know when you hear whether it is true or not … "
Fang Lin felt cold and thought that a hoof was far away, and soon he was close to Huayu’s eyebrows. He didn’t lift his eyes and said, "What are their methods that are not stopped when Xu Yu and his wife come?" Fang Lin said with a surprise, "She didn’t look at how she was born. How did Xu Yu and the other two know that they made a breakthrough?" Looking back, it was Xu Changsheng who was unbeaten.
Ear listen to flower jade eyebrow way "you don’t believe my guess? In fact, it is very simple. First, I can hear from the hoof that it is two riding. Secondly, riding is obviously very weak. Second, they are not in a hurry to see us and slow down! "
Fang Lin thought with great admiration, "This is simple and reasonable, but others just can’t figure it out."
Hua Yumei added, "If you can get past a bunch of people, you must be surprised, for fear that they will be caught off guard for years. It’s not easy for the two of them to get through safely, even if they can get past each other, they will catch up closely. I will ask you what strange means they have to break through and follow?"
Fang Wei was surprised at this reasoning and replied, "They used a blind eye method to secretly cast fog and bounce off the smoke!"
Hua Yumei doesn’t have to think about it casually. "It’s wonderful. Those who are empty are real and empty. Those Jianghu people have a lot of minds. It’s best to break through this method."

This is just a part of the "life and death dependence" energy that the dead crow gets when she is promoted because of Mu Jing’s strong desire to survive and fear death.

Can rob the vitality of the surrounding creatures to repair their own injuries when seriously injured.
"Go back and look for the fairy and the charm."
Amara stood up with a knife and stared at the dead crow’s hand behind him and said
"I’ll come to you when I behead this beast."
Four people also know that if they stay here, they will become a dead crow to recover from injury.
"It’s a general!"
Don’t bother to intervene. You should drag the summer rain and drill into the forest.
"But a flat-haired beast will be able to hurt you and kill you!"
On sale, I saw that I didn’t care about it, but I rushed at the long Dao again.
Although this crow is extraordinary, it is biased after all.
All the abilities are there, and there are not many powerful means of attack
Mu Jing is soft, but she is a little too persistent about this idea of life and death
However, it is difficult to judge people easily.
Who can really face life and death?
The world is always easier said than done, and when it comes to truth, it is whiter than one, but when it comes to doing it, it is not as good as one.
It’s always important to meet someone at the last moment. Although Mu Jingrou is afraid of death, he has never buried his heart.
God’s policy of saving the country and cutting the raven remains to be continued …
Chapter two hundred and thirty Sword lock
If Guo Ning’s current realm is calibrated by level, it is also at the top level of hero level 9.
If you find your own way, you can break through
For him, it is to find a way to break through his Ministry.
If he can accumulate merits in the future, he will be able to follow suit when he thoroughly refines the seal of Longshan
And the purple Xuan reality realm, no matter how high it is, will not be higher than him.
It is impossible to compare with Zhang Tiejian.
There are some things that can make him agree with the real person.
However, Lingqing has also given up on this.
That flaming butterfly is Zhu Guangqi’s own practice.
His precious flame can refine everything into his own flavor.
Therefore, this flame butterfly is also generally able to emit a light treasure flame.
In addition, it can gather and disperse from the heart like a flame.
"Well, now all the operators have been sent out. Let’s close this green house first."
Lingqing ordered after listening to what Guo Ning said and asking him to eat some Lingguo.
"Specific in the future also don’t stay in this limelight after the news in the abode of fairies and immortals to say again"

Although she is only in her twenties, she is as fast as Shi Hao and has already surpassed the gods.

Qin Changfeng, this deliberate fake, is born sacred and different. Xiaobai is the real thing. She was born with several great magical powers and secrets.
Many practices need to understand and accumulate when necessary to break through the difficulties, but they come naturally here, as if all the difficult answers will be given to her automatically.
In short, she was born to know!
The white fairy posture floats out of the dust, beautiful and holy, emitting divine brilliance, but the hand is cold and sharp than the five elements, and the five fairy swords fly vertically and horizontally, and the monks in the fairy domain are constantly being smashed and splashed with blood.
She alone is like a heavenly gate, guarding the whole peacock clan.
When she was young, she listened to her brother and said that when she grew up, she was always cold, so she said she didn’t look forward to it and said she didn’t expect it, but like all peacock people, she firmly believed that her brother was the strongest
Now that my brother is away, she will take care of him.
Her peacock Xiaobai is not a female bear!
One body after another fell from her side, and she was like a shura queen. She was invincible in the first battle of her life and was destined to be famous for nine days.
Godsworn Xianyu was cut off by the holy method of Yuechan and Qingyi in half, and after that, his strength was greatly reduced and Xiaobai was added. This freak joined the Peacock clan and backed by the Peacock Holy Mountain. There was a law to prohibit him from helping, so the war situation died out of their expectation and he fell into anxiety.
"It’s humiliating to kill the immortal body, but it’s also your own request."
White little main knife-shaped eyebrows Yixuan finally ready to personally.
He slowly stepped forward in the void, and the world trembled slightly because of him, and the road was boiling because of him, as if he were coming to the end of the French era, and he reversed this world and reappeared the prosperous world.
Just one step away, thousands of feet away, the small white sword with five mouths shook wildly, and at the same time it retreated sharply.
There is a peacock monk around who pours blood directly and diffuses the bones, but the bones are isolated to death by one foot.
The young fairy Lord is out of the world!
"Rob my wife, beat my parents, suppress my sister and kill my people … You are too bullying. Bullying a kind person like me won’t hurt your conscience?"
At this moment, Qin Changfeng, who had been hiding for a long time, silently stared at himself, slowly squeezing out a drop of black blood from the pupil of his left eye, and then he saw that the moment when the blood drops were as dark as ink, they moved from static to dynamic, and they had extremely rapid tearing, which was shocking and terrifying.
For example, a comet hit the earth, and for example, he once saw five drops of black blood fall into people after the black man fell in the picture.
This drop of blood.
It’s so fast that the young fairy master can’t react
He was so strong that a sense of disaster enveloped him.
A drop of black blood?
Dead robbery!
Not a blood robbery, but a death robbery.
Because this seal contains the law of death, the realm of the Upanishads!
Birth and death of a domain
Bloodstain bullying, such as evolution, ten hell suppression, virtual one hell.
The white fairy Lord never thought that he would encounter such a strong move. He trembled and his eyes widened and immediately retreated to madness.
Just as he retreated from the earthquake before.
Step by step, step by step, ghost gate!
Chapter six hundred and ninety-five Fairy Temple Method
A drop of blood will last forever!
It’s amazing. It’s like the original night in the early days of the universe.
No light, half the sky, dark night.
Even though the young fairy statue from the fairy land reached its peak in the Spring and Autumn Period, it was still bombarded by bullying and blood flowed out of its mouth.
Glittering and harsh, dripping and destroying mountains and rivers, the rumbling and shocking scene is shocking.
Because this is fairy blood!